Scary how a bald accusation can result in such drastic action. I hope he wins his case. If due process is being eroded, I can see why some men would be inclined to vent their frustrations with an AR-15.
Scary how a bald accusation can result in such drastic action. I hope he wins his case. If due process is being eroded, I can see why some men would be inclined to vent their frustrations with an AR-15.
Disney is not an organization for social justice, feminism or the correction of historical wrongs; it is a corporation with a mandate to make money. While there is female geek culture, males place an overwhelming demand on such products. Therefore it stands to reason that males should control the availability of…
The "anit-woman" shooting spree which saw more than twice as many men die than women lol ... Feminists are spin-doctors at their worst!
No, we exist because women are people, and people may abuse their power; that isn't strictly a male trait. It seems third-wave feminism is a sort of "me first" cafeteria approach to gender equality, addressing gender inequalities only where women stand to gain. Women's groups should receive the exact same funding as…
You would think that the sociopathy would turn women away. He is not a sociopath. Sociopaths are experts at picking up women and appear to be functional. I suspect he had some sort of mental disorder like schizophrenia or something along those lines. Women do have an odd tendency to be attracted to badass types. When…
You're right. This is a site for misandry. Who was the feminist sociologist who once opined that it is unwise to oppress an inherently aggressive gender. There is a clear correlation between feminism and limiting men's rights. The Nordic countries is a eery look into the future. God bless Anders Brevik and the likes…
I can understand collective male rage. From a patently unfair family law system to a complete dearth of programs for disadvantaged boys and men, gender oppression is seen as only affecting women. Just as abused women murdering their abusers put domestic violence on the radar, these mass shootings will force men's…
I like a few posts on here about the imbalance in housework debate. The most reasonable one I saw was pointing out that while men are expected to perform an equal share of the housework, the standard is entirely gynocentric. If there is to be a true compromise, the standard of cleanliness should be lowered since men…
Then how about you ladies stop putting your purse and other personal crap on the seats next to you! I have seen lots of women who take up several seats. But as usual, Jezebel only rails against me!
This whole railing against men for taking up too much room on the subaway/bus is pure sexism at its worst! There are plenty of women who take up three seats, one seat on each side for her purse and the other for her iPhone. And don't get me started on the moms with SUV sized strollers.
That is a double-edged sword, a concept feminists are averse to understanding. If a woman's menstrual cycle is seen as a health issue, and more importantly, if as in the UK is forms the basis of an affirmative defence in a criminal case, there are obvious consequences. If the "PMS defence" is accepted, then it is…
Where did she get the semen?
You're reasoning parallels that of those who oppose gay marriage: legalizing homosexuality or gay marriage will open "floodgates" where pedophiles will prey on young boys. All the evils you cited are already illegal. I agree we should go after sex offending behaviour. However, we can do so without going after people…
Not that rare. I was falsely accused twice. Thankfully neither accuser was in the top five percent of the Mensa Society. Their accusations were clearly ruled false by the RCMP since I had an obviously placed camera in my office (I was security at a large residential facility).
Interesting that Jezebel would run this. I thought feminists vehemently deny the existence of any false allegations the same way Ernst Zundel cannot come to terms with accepting that the Holocaust took place. Personally, I have been falsely accused twice of some form of violence against women. In both cases I was…
Oh my ex tried to shave me in the middle of the night. She called it a "70s bush" down there lol ... I call it the enchanted forest lol
I don't either. But if sexy is your strategy to market yourself professionally, don't whine when you are not taken as seriously as your male colleagues or women who don't use that strategy. Also leers and lewd comments are probably a reasonable consequence of using sexual capital as leverage.
I am all for creatively marketing one's self. It is a free country after all. However, what really pisses me off is when women use their "sexual capital" in the workplace and then later complain that they are not being taken seriously as a professional or files a multimillion dollar sexual harassment suit. In such…
How about gender specific pricing for life and auto insurance? Men are statistically more likely to get into serious accidents and men die younger. No one bats a lash at that. But logic dictates that since statistically men die younger, they put a lower demand on the pension system. Either gender should be a…
I sure hope the next Adam Lanza pays a visit to a classroom full of those kinds of girls. The last thing we need in our society is more dykes and feminists.