
Looks like the leopard found Waldo.

So ugh...this is an incredibly dangerous product right?

More women need to go commando to fight this injustice!

(it was a joke, Jezebel)

Good thing they found it in the ice, because their desert expedition didn't go so well...

But...that is the point.

I couldn't even focus on the video...

It doesn't lean 45 degrees. It leans 22.5 degrees, since one side is straight and the other side is at 45 degrees.

We've got our grease man!

If the internet has taught me one thing, it's if a red arrow or circle suddenly appears above or around you, you're fucked.

I guess that makes it

"severe stomach pains and dizziness"

Of course, he violated the second rule of how not to be seen. He stood up.

Carbon fiber is incredible, but have you heard of graphene? I'll give you an example; the best carbon fiber has a tensile strength of under 6,500MPa, which you can compare against Titanium at ~1,000MPa (similar to spider silk). Where does Graphene sit? At about 130,000MPa. Graphene also the most insanely

Incredible. I'm hoping as this material becomes more popular it will drive the price down. With how lightweight this material is, it would make huge improvements in the fuel economy sector.

CF fails way more catastrophically though

Step 11: Erase "10 Steps to Commit a Murder and Get Away With It" from your browser history.


This is a tech blog. Google Glass is tech. Don't be ignorant.

Although there would be a learning curve, crows are incredibly smart animals, capable of taking solutions from previous problems and building upon them. I can tell you how long the solutions would take, but I can assure you that each problem did not take days, or hours, and was likely done in just a few minutes.

Subway is just... awful. Find a good deli and get a real hoagie, with high-quality deli meats and cheese(s).