
I believe that a culture of "self-esteem" — give everybody an award, change dress sizes so larger people feel smaller, allow teens to be disrespectful to those in authority — has set the tone and created a possible outcome I don't think anyone expected: the idea that it's OK to cut off contact with your parents.




A Boomer talking about others being narcissists and self-involved? ROTFLMAO

I like how she managed to work in fat-shaming there in her list of ways her generation went wrong trying to be SO SO NICE OMG WE WERE JUST TRYING TO BE NICE.

There were some pretty big errors in there. I believe that should actually read, "A common story among parents who have estranged adult children is how much the parent makes themselves out to be the victim, made the adult child solely responsible for any wrongdoing — and often how they themselves are actually a

Ah yes—the fabulous parent who has raised terrible children, and simply can't imagine why, because she was such an absolutely great mother that it just doesn't make any sense at all. People like this always remind me of that anecdote about Joan Crawford, who was once asked by some fan magazine to list her worst

When PBS promoted this article via their Facebook page, the comments were outstanding. 98% of readers reached exactly the same conclusion: the kids aren't the narcissistic ones. Reflection is hard, lady, but a therapist can help you through it.

"I believe that a culture of "self-esteem" — give everybody an award, change dress sizes so larger people feel smaller, allow teens to be disrespectful to those in authority..."

I don't need instructions from arrogant, condescending people who deny very obvious social issues like sexism on how to gain respect. You certainly don't have mine.

A sane boss. A fair boss. Why does the sex of the person come into it at all? Except that there will be more male bosses than female ones, and not because those people are more qualified than their female counterparts.

Exactly, just for the shits and giggles, I've done a quick head count of my bosses and rated them either good or terrible based on competency and attitude.

It still doesn't work well for someone who doesn't believe in inherent gender differences. The answer is just, "Shrug, flip a coin."

Got 'em! Classic misdirection.

sex isn't binary.

No, we see stupid perspectives here all the time.

I don't think the elders of your inherently misogynistic cult would approve of you reading a feminist column. You'll never get microphone duty if they find out about this.

Even though he's kind of a jerk, I still want to work for Business Cat.

What a stupid question. Gender has nothing to do with a person's fitness for management. I've had horrible male bosses and horrible female bosses. They were horrible because they lacked the skills to be a good manager (and in some cases the skills to be a good human being), not because of what genitalia they had.

I'm glad I'm not the only weirdo around here who recognizes/swoons over famous furniture design.

Can't figure out if the trap is supposed to be "Lindy West will obviously say 'female,' thus proving that she puts women before men and misandry is real," or "Lindy West will obviously say 'male,' thus proving that women really do want men in charge and feminism is a total sham."