
Compared to others, this is nothing, but here goes.

I have a girlfriend who worked at A&F as a designer before the crash. She left to work for JC Penney and was there before, during, and after Ron Johnson. Her Ron-era JCP stories are the best.

I have a yarn shop, so I'm going to print out that last sweater picture, cover the nipples with kitten stickers, and put up a sign that says "Learn how to make the Miley sweater! Classes starting November 31."

Glad to see others have got the sugar and oil thing covered. I use regular white sugar and a splash of coconut oil once a week, then dab rosehip oil over my face once I'm out of the shower.

When I had my daughter at 2 am on a Sunday, my doctor was ready to discharge me Monday morning. However, my daughter was in and out of "special care" (not quite the NICU but closer monitoring required than the general nursery) because of, as her doctor said, "A difficult transition to life." The babe was 3 weeks early

Yeah, that. Just got into a fight with my mother regarding this. She's convinced that anyone who supported the filibuster is a monster who likes to stab babies in the head with scissors. That conversation didn't end well.