Since when has that ever been the case on this show? They regularly find ways to pull people from Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory, and ghosts are generally accepted. There is no such thing as permanently dead on this show.

What about the 2-3 other times that they have before?

Not always. WinXP added all the security settings in SP2 (IIRC). That modified much of the feel of the OS.

Exactly my thought. I'll agree that the newer parts of the interface make more sense for use on a tablet, but nothing about it is impossible or hard to figure out how to use with a mouse.

Read the last paragraph above the last picture (the night/day camera comparison)

A little left and down from center.

I was thinking more like they need to do a barrel roll...

Live in ATL and don't understand why people have trouble figuring out their way around in the airport. I knew exactly how to get around when I was 5, from going with my mom to pick up my dad from business trips (back when you could go all the way to the gate without a ticket). Loved the train ride (I was a kid and

Correctly Animated on my part


Yes, there's a an upfront expense to it, and you can do much of what it does yourself with a programmable thermostat...or even a manual one. The issue that comes in play is many people have a programmable thermostat and either don't know/can't figure out how to use it or don't do it properly.

You should look into their Airwave feature.

At this time, the only way I could think of to regulate it is to license and regulate either the printers or the say only weaker material that couldn't withstand being a gun is available cheap or without some kind of regulation...the stronger stuff has to have a registered purchase. But that's no

Considering how fast this tech is advancing (seriously, they've gone from it shattering from one shot to withstanding 600 shots in a few months), how long do you think it would take for someone to figure out how to 3D print all the needed pieces successfully? That gets into the wrong hands, suddenly you've got a

Its not the hobbyist printing them for their own amusement and playing around for legitimate target practice that has me concerned with this stuff. Its the fact that people that shouldn't have access to mentally disturbed, or terrorists or whatever flavor you prefer...being able to get a 3D printer, print

They've got this to withstand 600 shots. Its also the serialized and regulated portion. The rest of the parts aren't nearly as closely watched and regulated. Someone wants to do damage and keep under the radar its quickly becoming a reality

As far as the durability of the 3D printed guns...they've got the design to be able to handle 600 shots. I'd say that's durable enough to cause some decent damage in the wrong hands. The lower register is the part that is most regulated and serialized and hard to get by. The rest of the parts aren't nearly as

The lower receiver is the part that is 3D printed and typically the strictly regulated portion of the gun that is actually the guts of it as well as the serial number typically. The grip, barrel, etc are not nearly as well regulated and can be gotten much more easily.

There are groups (maybe this guy) that have actually successfully 3D printed the major part of the gun that is regulated currently and its successfully held together through 600 shots. Thats a lot of damage potential, and i'd say if someone's using a 3D printed gun in an attack involving that many shots they aren't

Is this gonna end up 3 Star Treks vs Dr. Who?