
But i thought Canada was a polite utopia where everything was amazing and it smells like maple syrup all the time?

 A lot of people do like the hearse. They’re dying to have a ride in it.

im quite fond of midnight blue

I wish I had a Rebel Blue, Mexico Blue, and a Nitrous Blue vehicle in my garage to go with my Lapiz Blue R. I love Blue. Sexay......

This car does have ventilated seats. You can tell by the perforated leather and the presence of ventilated seat controls.

Nice-price-ish would be my call. I daily drive a ‘99 9-5 wagon, and this one seems like an o.k. price. Definitely listen closely on startup for timing chain rattle; 158k is getting close to

Found the best vanity plate

I see your caliper paint and raise you drum brakes painted in any color. Yes, advertise to the world that you have brakes from the dawn of automotive engineering on your car. That’ll intimidate my multi piston brembos for sure....

Allseason tires on a 2wd sports car.

Unless you’re an amateur drifter, then, by all means, burn off the cheapest rubber you can find.

Wagons, period. And don’t give me that “crossovers are wagons” bullshit because NO THEY ARE NOT. Would you tell your child medicine is candy? No, because then they’d take too much and die, just like wagons are nowadays.

Think of the children, people!

Readers, if you also don’t mind: a round of applause for Stef and Kurt, who have been covering and shooting the hell out of this race for the past 24+ hours and have done an amazing job.

Müller was able to fend off Pilet’s multiple attacks at the very end to win it for Ford.

How it works with one cylinder head removed.

Some days I think I’d be happier in a Saab 9-5 Aero wagon.

Ok so I listen to The Team clear coat guys. Rags to races, FSFL, The blown pistons, Adam Carolla show, car cast, and Im sure im missing some here.
I also host the Untitled Car Show, I talk to a lot of people in the racing and non racing but automotive world. its a good listen if you like inside the actors studio but

If I may be obnoxiously self-promotional for a second, The TeamClearCoat podcast is also an option! We’ve even had Stef on before, as well as a few other Jalopnik writers. As we tell all our guests, were definitely idiots, but we’ll at least be *entertaining* idiots. And we have stickers!