There are three kinds of lies in this world: lies, damn lies, and statistics.
There are three kinds of lies in this world: lies, damn lies, and statistics.
So that's the argument to be made when you want women to be in full plate mail and dominate men, but when a woman looks sexy in a game it's "women wouldn't dress like that in a real fight!"
Typical bullshit feminist supremacist response. Let's make female dominance the standard...not strive for an harmonious balance.
I know a lot of feminist complain about boob plates being uncomfortable and dangerous but those full on chest plates look like they would crush your breast if you were to crash into something or get hit in it.
That and the whole thing is very ugly
Power doesn't make combat deeper... design does.
And MH has one of the deepest and most varied combat systems in any action game.
What you're describing is a button-masher with QTEs...
None shall dethrone the king
monster hunter and demons souls/dark souls are nothing alike.
Monster hunter this is not.
Rule 34, now please shut up.
oh my god
Ahem: Oculus Rift.
Perfect anime? Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo come to my mind.
Nothing is wrong in the art world, physics don't have to have meaning and your ass could be behind your neck.
I feel like I am the only really looking forward to this game. Hell I think this is the first Final Fantasy I've actually looked forward to since I got to play Lightning last. I'm not sure why but she quickly became my favorite character of all the series. Maybe because she wasn't the weak useless archtypes you…
Cloud and Vincent? You either need glasses or haven't paid much attention to gaming news in the last 5 or so years. Perhaps both.
See — this right here demonstrates why those who defend Microsoft's "Kinect-or-bust" strategy with the XBO are dead wrong. They've imagined some world in which having every XBO come with Kinect will drive innovation, allowing developers to incorporate Kinect without fear of alienating those who don't own one.
See — this right here demonstrates why those who defend Microsoft's "Kinect-or-bust" strategy with the XBO are dead wrong. They've imagined some world in which having every XBO come with Kinect will drive innovation, allowing developers to incorporate Kinect without fear of alienating those who don't own one.
Sounds like it's as disappointing as expected, ill stick to saints row iv, wonderful 101 and where my water 2 as far as new releases go. This appears to be lacking.
Only problem is they give YES to easily 90% of what they review. Which makes that kinda pointless.
Well, if Rockstar really doesn't release a PC version, then fuck them right back. :)