So, all that animosity towards EA has been swept under the rug? Lightweights.
So, all that animosity towards EA has been swept under the rug? Lightweights.
When it's ready
So, that neogaf source was right all along.
Continuing the trend of making everyone less attractive from DA1. Hell, Leliana was the only female who even held a candle to their DA1 look. Elves? Ugly. Isabella? Ugly. Most humans females? Ugly. Only attractive human female companion in DA2 was your fucking sister.
Don't judge too early. They could fuck up Battlefront 3 and dragon age inquisition extremely bad.
Why would you buy an Xbone anyway unless of course your a brain dead moron playing right into M$ hands.......Anyone who would actually purchase that Anti-consumer piece of shit is literally retarded or they're brain dead....With all the restrictions, limitations and requirements it literally has to be mental…
I'll take that bet. Know why? The 360 saw a lot of marketshare introducing a lower priced version of the console to the market, and reaped tons from people who waited for a black friday sale to get their hands on one. 360s move like crazy that time of year. And the consumer base isn't all people that have home…
Bribing people for paying sixty dollars a year for a gaming service that hasn't been that good for five years.... Sneaky, underhanded, and nice. I'm still not buying an xbox 360 or xbone. I have principles.
because nobody will buy the Xbone?
Why buy an 360 shaped like a One when you can buy One instead?
Who wants to bet the sales for this will exceed the Xbox One's sales?
The fact they haven't used this chance to dispel all the issues with their DRM simply proves that it's as bad as it sounds.
Heres a Halo trailer. A kill instinct trailer. A TitanFall trailer. A Dead Rising 3 trailer. A Forza 5 trailer. And a shit ton of other trailers. Dont play that bullshit. You people asked for games. They showed them.
And still no word on DRM. So give us $500 and hope that we get it figured out by then.
I've been playing through Final Fantasy XIII for the first time and I have to say, I'm a little baffled by all the hate I remember this game getting.
To all the haters out there reading this:
Does it look like anyone here cares if a game is linear or not?
I loved both games and I have to agree that XIII-2 felt very forced story wise. That entire story did not need to happen and felt totally separate. None the less, I still appreciated it. Regardless of what people say about the 'to be continued...' I thought the ending was epic as hell.
Because not every new Final Fantasy can stroke your e-peen and be a reskin of FF VII.
I've played all of the main final fantasties, I like them all except FF3. With FF12 being my favorite.