
I agree we'd rather not have murderers get off, but somebody has to defend them. As far as making light of/ glamorizing murder, I agree it's in bad taste. Then again, that pretty much describes the majority of American movies, television and music.

At home with their families just like you and me. Two-thirds of prisoners are there for non-violent offenses like drug crimes or forging a check. A (former) friend's mother spent 10 years in jail for forging a check for a few hundred dollars (because her husband had recently died of cancer and she and her kids were

And you blame defense lawyers? Sounds more like the cops' fault.

Get a fucking life, people. Seriously. You don't know these people and your opinions about their romantic lives are not only irrelevant but unhealthy for you and humanity as a whole. Try not being judgmental for one fucking second and see how liberating it is.

I actually tend to think it's the pharmaceutical companies. Shitty smoking cessation products like gum, patches and inhalers are a HUGE industry for them. The tobacco companies are actually rumored to be developing their own superior eCigs that they hope will one day end up dominating the market (or so I've heard from

The original family name was Baltwo but they measured from the top of the scrotum instead of the base of the shaft at Ellis Island.

Yes. This is typically how racism has been used to exclude black quarterbacks at the college and pro level. Did you know this about Michael Bush?

Kaepernick's crap out? He was statistically (by Football Outsider's metrics) the 8th bestquarterback in the league this year—one slot ahead of Wilson.

Fair enough (although I think there is considerable dispute as to the extent of the role Allen played in her life during his relationship with Farrow.) I'm not saying it's a healthy way to start a relationship, I just don't see it as all that damning one way or the other.

Soon Yi wasn't a child though.

Absolutely, and as I said I didn't mean to imply that it never happens, just that there isn't a very strong correlation (and that the instinct to implicate Allen in a child sexual assault because of the impropriety of his relationship with Soon Yi is probably misplaced.)

To say that violating the "norms of society for the sake of a sexual relationship" points to the possibility that someone is a pedophile sure is casting a wide net. That's more or less the kind of thinking that caused homosexuality to be conflated with pedophilia for so long. Also, pretty much everyone I know (well

That is EXACTLY what I was wondering.

You don't know very much about China do you?


Perhaps you don't understand racism in America or the socially-acceptable coded language that perpetuates it here. Examples of such language would be "thug", "ghetto", and various criticisms of how somebody speaks, specifically coming from a white person and used to describe a black person.

"You're (sic) speaking skills definitely don't say 4.2. Perhaps you could use your Stanford education to find ways to speak in complete sentences."

a) Was I wrong? Nope.

How long have you known him?

"the majority of the backlash against Sherman was from the black community"