Yeah, and most games come with a full campaign as well...
been out 5 minutes, and the paid dlc is rolling in, you can take the developers out of Infinity Ward, but you can't take the...... you know the rest...
Probably the best explanation of the situation I've heard in a long time. Mind you, Nathan was a writer for RPS last year, and they pretty much rode the wave of controversy as long as they could.
According to the SJW crowd, it needs to completely dissolve itself, Krahulik needs to spike his own head on a stake, start a lengthy, angsty Tumblr about what a sexist he is, and sell his family into slavery as reparation for a joke he wrote into a comic years ago.
Pretty much it. I loved going through Cyberpower PC (A friend also customized a great PC from iBuyPower). It was an easy process and didn't feel cheated on the selections. So yea, just google builds otherwise, update for current tech and that's it. I've got ps3/360/pc as I can't take not having the access to any…
You will only miss out on the TXAA. HBAO should work on AMD GPUs. And considering Far Cry 3 included both HDAO(AMD) and HBAO support, then it's likely they will do the same for Watch Dogs anyways.
I have to agree with you. I never understood the love of HL2. It's good, but it's just nothing special.
I have wondered the same thing for a long long time. I had seen a way more impressive stories in other games and FPS games. The whole game was kinda meh to me...
Yeah, that killed me (literally). I climbed up to sneak up behind the dude with the firebombs, and then... wait, did a dragon just fly overhead... wait... WHO IS THAT OH NO
Welcome to Titan City.
I hard the exact same thought. Isn't it interesting how this story pops up today of all days? HOW BIG IS YOUR CUT PLUNKETT?!
There's a stark difference between Jon and the character you're thinking of...
Yeah, I reminded myself a few minutes ago that paying to use free services only on Xbox is not worth it. My PS4 and Wii U will last me through the years.
>effectively bringing the price down to $390.
I just realized how hard it is to respect someone who opens an argument, unironically, with the words 'You people'.
Well, technically, every game IS an RPG. And also, most video games have RPG traits, which is levelling up stats, upgrading weapons, growing stronger etc.
And hundreds and thousands of games in the past…
DECENT game. 8/10. Hated the ending and lack of player narrative input. And the script dropped the ball more than once (the black guy and his brother was very poorly handled).
The Last of Us is an amazing movie, but just a decent video game. I give it a WEAK 8/10.