
Of course she did a great job of understanding Xbox owners. That's why she closed with, "Suck my balls, you nigger-faggot camping cunt-spic." And she got a standing ovation for it.

I own a 360 and will probably end up getting a Bone, so I am making fun of Xbox owners from a place of love. Love sounds a lot like racial

There's a YouTube video of the trailer on this article. Not only that, but while I now know of your situation and still think you're stupid, nobody who "jumped down your neck" could read your mind. You expect everyone to have known about your bad stream as soon as you posted. I don't know how bad a stream has to be to

You should try Monster Hunter. It's even better in co-op, and you get to kill dragons with an electric katana made of a sea monster's body parts.

I'm sure this was financed with what was left of the Broken Age money, after Tim Schafer bought all his new cars.

Great, another Dead Island game that will probably be shit and make no money. The third time isn't always the charm, Deep Silver.

No, people are jumping down your neck because you ignored at least three screens of that trailer that clearly stated it was exclusive. It's not a fucking conspiracy, you're just an idiot.

"Only on PlayStation"
"Sony Computer Entertainment presents"

You're right, I think this is a Wii U exclusive if anything.

Fuck me. I knew I should have waited to get a PS4...

That does look really cool, even though obviously no real multiplayer game is going to be like that. I'm still sad about Patriots, though.

I bet they kill that thing and don't get any Elder Dragon Blood.

Holy shit, it does only have six legs.

Assault rifle with folding stock and removable magazine

I don't even think I want it to come out anymore. Nobody who created it is involved anymore.

Sony didn't lower their guard when they mopped the floor with their competition in the PS2 generation. They were going up against a system that only had Halo and Halo 2 and a system that used one of the worst controllers ever and fucking mini discs, and they still went the extra mile in kicking their asses.

I have

Yeah, Kotaku writers are some of the dumbest people in the world. They mostly just like to whine about stuff.

Just be glad Patricia Hernandez didn't write this article. She'd start by proclaiming that Watch Dogs will bring about a Mad Max-like post-apocalyptic world where women are bought and sold like cattle.

So Maurice's actions led to his wife being sold, but Aiden's actions (hacking is illegal, remember) did not lead to his niece being killed.

Maurice is a cockhole, Aiden is blameless. Loud and clear.

Okay, Watch Dogs, I decided. You and I are not off to a great start.

Then I'm glad we're coming to wipe you out. Thanks, Obama.

I get that. Silver is more effective against monsters and shit. But why is steel more effective against humans? It's dumb.

Later, in a press conference, the President was quoted as saying,

"It's stupid. I mean, why does he need two swords? Is a silver sword not good against humans? Why can't a silver sword cut a guy as easy as a troll? It's not like silver is a soft metal, and it's not like it's not sharp, because it would have to be in