Wilful ignorance and blindness aren’t the same thing. It’s well past time we phase out using disability as metaphor for things we don’t like.
Wilful ignorance and blindness aren’t the same thing. It’s well past time we phase out using disability as metaphor for things we don’t like.
If you’re commenting on an article about toxicity towards marginalised groups including disabled people, it’s not a good look to incorporate an ableist slur in your intended insult. In fact, it’s never a good look.
Or we could listen to all of the groups that are ignored by society? Especially when it’s coming from the same cultural narrative that womanhood is all about producing babies, and that the production of babies is always fulfilling and beautiful, and never messy, painful, or traumatising.
Condoms are still a thing, but apparently “stealthing” is too, so it’s always good to have a backup.
It’s literally in the photo that they’re non binary. So maybe don’t call them a woman or use female pronouns for them?
If you decide to vote for racism, sexual assault, and genocide because of “hysterics”, that’s on you.
Gender is so hard to define because it’s a social construct, like money and traffic lights it’s real and affects lives but it doesn’t have an objective meaning apart from the societies it occurs in.
Boys can absolutely be moody too, the teenage years are a moody time. There’s more variation between individuals than between genders, so wanting one gender or another because of supposed temperamental differences isn’t really going to be effective.
(Not to mention non-binary people, intersex individuals, and everyone else who’s neither a man nor a woman.)
If “She didn’t put on a swastika mask, or a KKK hood” is your bar for recognising something a racist, you’re going to ignore and dismiss most racism.
It’s a life threatening job, they get paid a pittance, and they are barred from being actual fire fighters after they are released.
Wearing their hair in a certain way isn’t doing any harm to anyone. Being mad at them is dumb.
Cultural appropriation is about power dynamics (a powerful group appropriating from a disadvantaged group with no consideration of the effects).
We can also be mad at the perpetuators, who are the white people continuing to wear the hairstyles without considering the impact.
Although the seasons have started to overlap now because of climate change :/
countries with socialized medicine, where there’s no guarantee of who will actually be performing the surgery upon you
That’s not how socialised medicine works... I’m Australian and you can absolutely choose your surgeon and other medical practitioners under our Medicare system.
Leaving would have been as easy as walking in front of a reporter and saying she was a minor.
I did not answer sarcastically. I asked what your point was, as it was unclear what you were actually getting at.