
"I'm going to use a gif to brush off the fact that I just got shut down."

"Have teenagers literally ever in history been humble and sensitive?"

I think the problem is they're not dealing with death. They are ignoring it and making it all about them. They are shitheads.

Right, because being unable to resist the compulsion to post a picture of your face even when you're at a funeral screams "I'm humble and sensitive."

Yes, but in no way does that support camwhoring it up for Instagram. Unless it's a family Instagram account, but I highly doubt that's ever the case.

statistically they've never been to a funeral either.

She is wearing lingerie to a funeral? Is there going to be dancing later?

Ya, a real #sadday. :|

exactly. nope nope nope. These selfies are for likes and follows and attention for their new dress and pretty hair behind the guise of a sad day (another way to garner attention and sympathy). It's gross and tacky. Sure smartphones are changing the way we interact with people but it doesn't need to be a part of every

There was a girl in my high school who had a stillborn baby and published a photo album of her and her friends holding the dead baby. Like, professionally shot in the hospital pictures of her and her friends holding a corpse. I was shocked.

"No wonder these teenagers retreat to the bathroom to fix their hair and take a selfie in the mirror out of impotence and boredom. Our cultural traditions have failed them, and selfies at funerals are one of their only outlets to ritual and mourning in the age of the smartphone."

I was pretty surprised to see this was written by Caitlin Doughty, since I usually agree with her.
But this is pretty ridiculous. A selfie at a funeral is not a "form of grieving", it is a shameless attempt to make the occasion more about you and less about the actual person whose life you're supposed to be honoring.

Thank you. The entire practice reeks of mawkish narcissism, regardless of who does it.

No matter how these kids feel, there are lots of other mourners who I'm sure don't want to be in the background of all these shots, or to see and hear teens giggling and posing. Have some fucking respect when you're at a fucking funeral.

Why can't the simple answer ever be "They're just self absorbed narcissists with the personality of an in-grown toenail?"

These teens do not appear to show and ounce of sadness. The only thing they are expressing is that they suffer from narcissistic personality disorder.

Just no. Not everything needs to be memorialized on the internet. I don't want to see pictures of your dead grandma in her casket. Nobody needs to be involved in any of this besides the friends and loved ones of the deceased.

Your intentions actually don't count. She's not your goddamn spirit animal. If what you mean is, "she's my new inspiration and everyone should live like this" go ahead and say that without all the obviously triggering words thrown in. Lord.

Whoa, a reference to a(n admittedly adorable and precocious) black girl as your "spirit animal" and "sassy" in the same post?

I have to post an unpopular dissenting opinion here. As a mother with a little dancer just this age and a former children's theater director I have to say that children like this can be a nightmare. She does not seem like a child so caught up she doesn't realize what's happening, she's obviously seeking attention. The