
Rule of law should kinda be first on that list, really the biggest hurdles holding most the world back from a functional economy are just consistent law and security. constantly shifting regimes, rampant corruption, that's really what's holding them back more than anything else

In the UK they said the same thing. Spend the money fix the economy. Then they say-young people should be saving more towards retirement because we can't pay for you. Doesn't work surprisingly.

"why do I have to pay for other people's children day care again?"

The point is, it's not them having less sex, but being more educated means they have a better grasp on birth control.

I think it's more full on racism than misogyny though. This idea that Asian people are way more carefree about sexual relations with 'exotic foreigners' is pretty pervasive even as something people joke about (which is fine. Jokes are not reality I can understand it, but there's some real racial attitudes at play

You bring up excellent points. But the U.S. can support those changing gender roles better. Japan, especially corporate Japan, is still kinda fumbling around. Things like that will definitely impact a woman's decision to have children—but sex? Really?

People can have sex, but not have children. I have two children, but I've had sex more than twice.

Your post seems to assume that a declining birthrate must be caused by people having less sex. Which would be true if birth controll and family planning didn't exist. Which is sort of the point of this article: saying declining birthrate = no sex is simplistic and does not address many other reasons why birthrates

"For the record, it is people like you who make it hard for other people to enjoy other people's cultures."

Um. So if you dress up as a member of the KKK for funsies and you enjoy doing that, hate to break it to you but that ain't a costume. Congrats, you are a member of the Klan as far as I'm concerned.

As someone who has worked in Africa (Rwanda specifically, because Africa is a big, non-homogenous continent) for a long time, I actually don't want her to go to Africa. Too many privileged white people use Africa and Africans as a path to self-discovery and people get hurt because of it. She's clearly too ignorant to

Seriously, though, Australia is the WORST and this kind of thing happens all the time there. When I was there during Halloween in 2008, several people dressed up like "Abos" by which they meant Australian Aboriginals and thought nothing of it. Take your tourism dollars to beautiful, perfect New Zealand instead!

When will people learn that "I didn't intend to be racist" or "I didn't intend to offend you" doesn't excuse racism or general ignorance? No one gives two shits about what you intended to do! Your impact is what's being questioned here.

Are these her parents? This is so bizarre, it's not like a frat party where the patients are basically running the asylum; there are bona fide adults at this thing, and everyone seems to have bought in to the "theme" with nary a side eye. What the fuck?

Yeah, Australia is racist-as-fuck (Sorry Aussies, not all of you are like this, but come on, you still have televised blackface)

God, nothing pisses me off more than that. Awstyn, Madisynne, Lilleigh . . . You want your kid to have a "unique" name? THEN CHOOSE A DIFFERENT FUCKING NAME. Don't just take a common name and spell it like an imbecile. Arrrghhh!!!

No scope for imagination, these people. I swear to Anne.

Linda is the ultimate front desk secretary name to me. Linda, Sharon, Karen...

Scrolling through and slowly watch the "Madison" infect other states was my horror movie of the day. "No!!! It's spreading!!!"

You know, driving around the other day flipping radio stations, I didn't realize that I just happened to land on a station just as Wrecking Ball started. I had no idea who the artist was but I was kind of blown away by the beautiful voice. I was really impressed. Then it got to the chorus and I realized what song it