I am a white person. I think racism is in actions, not identity. What racist action have I done?
I am a white person. I think racism is in actions, not identity. What racist action have I done?
If you grew up Black in America, you would think daily about your race, because everyone around you is. Police are judging you in the streets, shopkeepers in stores, teachers at school. If you're White you don't have to think about race, because everything in society is based on a White norm. The police and…
Your whole post is re-asserting that Whites are more important than Blacks, that Blacks depend on White people (who have a history of oppressing them). Black liberation can only come from Blacks, otherwise it will be just another version of White Supremacy.
Let me guess, you're a white person? When a Black kid can be killed for playing with a toy gun, yeah, Blacks will reflect on their race. It dictates how they are treated in this country.
You seem really pressed that no one ever heard of your school. Sorry you didn't get into Stanford (or Berkeley or USC or UCLA or Pomona) but I'm sure CMC is one of the better colleges in the Inland Empire.
Someone who is being disciplined by her college sports team for using the word "nigger" isn't exactly being "strung up" and lynched. That comparison does a great disservice to the many Blacks Americans who actually were strung up and lynched, and literally had their lives destroyed. Man, you are ignorant.
Exactly, someone who is being disciplined by her college sports team for using the word "nigger" isn't exactly being "strung up" and lynched. That comparison does a great disservice to the many Blacks Americans who actually were strung up and lynched, and literally had their lives destroyed. Man, Dolemite is an idiot.
Oh, you've talked to the help before?
Are you serious? She would have gotten booed off the stage at the Tri-Delt sorority karaoke night. Britney Spears has put in more robust vocal performances. If your standards are so low as to accept this, know that we can do better. Ignoring Beyonce (who dances and sings live) for the moment, Pink sang live while…
She does have mental health issues. We all seem to forget the time she had a full breakdown post-Glitter. Back in 2001 she did the weird strip-tease on TRL, and then some really ugly stories started leaking. Self-harm, suicide attempts, and her management silencing her in public lest she say anything about it. She…
See, Black women have different bodies, their butts are so big! And when they move it shakes and it's funny! Let's show it in slow-mo to really drive the point home. Not at all like my slim, white body. Look, when I imitate them it's for comic effect, Blacks do silly things and I'm white so when I do it it's extra…
Black children are being murdered by police, but let's overlook that and listen to a white person tell a Black woman how to speak "properly". Kindly fuck off if this condescending shit is what you bring to the table, we don't need White people telling us what to do, Blacks get enough of that every moment of their…
You are not an ally, you're not even trying to be one. You're looking for ways to make this about you. Newsflash white lady, it isn't! This is a time for you to take a seat and listen to Black people for once in your life.
You never heard it before because you're a whitey-white who has never spoken to a Black person. Don't tell Black people how to speak, they have enough of White people trying to control their behavior, language, communities, and general existence. Speak to a Black person for once in your life, and maybe you'll get it.
Canada does have its problems with race, but having lived in both countries, the level of anti-Black racism seen in America is unique. Our police force does have a problem with arresting non-violent protestors and stopping Black males, but because our police force is comparably unmilitarized it has resulted in few…
The problem with Kony 2012 was that the campaign was based on misinformation and oversimplification of a complex issue to create an excuse to cause a war in an unstable African region. It was raising funds to lead a war, something that was glossed over in the slick video. The campaign was also a really awful instance…
Being turned on by bestiality and rape is problematic in that those activities are illegal and non-consensual. If that is your fantasy, fine, thinking about it doesn't harm anyone. But we should also have a critical analysis of why these rape/bestiality themes are so popular and prevalent at this moment in this part…
Are we allowed to be grossed out by bestiality and rape? Because knotting features elements of both, and it is that which disturbs me.
Synogogue? Why are you interjecting anti-semitism into this?