
Gay men have been doing this ever since fisting was invented, with apparently no ill long term effects. I've never done it, but I've known men who have who say it's not a problem and everything goes back to normal afterwards. It is definitely not my cup of tea, but seeing how it has existed in the gay community

It's been semi-mainstream in the gay world ever since fisting was invented/popularized sometime in the 1970s. It sounds like breeders are just catching up.

One side issue - Trans women.

What about Eminem? He's proud of his Detroit roots, but apparently grew up in Warren.

It sounds like unlike other metro areas, everyone in Metro Detroit is so ashamed of Detroit that they want to avoid any relation to it. Reclaim it! No one outside of Michigan knows HIghland Park from Hamtranmck from all the suburban sprawl that rings the city. Just say you're from Detroit. Avoiding the word Detroit

Nope, it said anti-biotics, referring to taking penicillin (which isn't exactly soap.) No one is suggesting inserting a bar of soap all the way to your cervix, but washing your external vulva with unscented soap is recommended. You haven't found anything that says the contrary. Please, for the sake of those around

I think the Mayo Clinic may know better than a commenter on the internet with no sources. Wash your vag, for everyone's sake.

Hi Parker,

I never encouraged segregating music. White artists usually have a genuine love for the black musical styles they perform (No one would doubt that Eminem likes hiphop, or that Mick Jagger likes the blues) that's why Eric Lott called his book "Love and Theft." It's important though for white artists to acknowledge

It is all cultural appropriation. For real, read the book "Love and Theft" by Eric Lott. From minstrelsy to Blues & Jazz to rock music, entertainment forms originated by Blacks were copied by Whites and commercialized for profit and racial supremacy. All of Elvis' early records (and most of the Beatles and Rolling

Maybe take your own advice and don't whinge.

White people weren't responsible for the horrific legacies of racism? Then who enslaved the blacks? Who passed the Jim Crow laws that weren't repealed until the 1960s? Who runs the legal system that disproportionately jails blacks? Who passes budgets to defund majority-Black school boards? I don't think it's the

But when Suey Park found herself retweeting Michelle Malkin, and thanking her for her support, she should of asked herself where she went wrong. An easy guide to get through life without being an asshole is just do the opposite of what Michelle Malkin does. Strange bedfellows indeed.

Maybe if you cared about addicts you would have the empathy to see how this is harmful to them.

I defy you to find people who use heroin, meth, or crack recreationally, that shit is addictive and seriously harmful to your health. A friend of mine OD'ed the first time she tried heroin. And what feminist enjoys GHB, the motherfucking date rape drug! The editors are making fun of addicts, but I guess that's fine.

Do feminists enjoy a spike in the arm? I just think the inclusion of meth/heroin/crack/krokodil/GHB (The motherfucking date rape drug!) is unfortunate. It feels like it's making fun of addicts.

Even with a trigger warning, what is accomplished on a "Yay Team Heroin!" post? This isn't going to be a space for thoughtful discussion of substance use and addiction, it's just going to be a lot of trivializing of addiction. I don't see what Jezebel thinks they are accomplishing, other than having some laughs at

I'm not an addict, but even I found this in really terrible taste. Cake vs. Pie was funny. But heroin? Crack? Meth? Why is Jezebel glamorizing/making fun of substances that kill people?

Could you provide a source for that? I've been looking and I can't find anything that Anita said supporting Bork. She was his student in law school, but so was Hillary Clinton.

Murder, She Wrote oddly portrayed extreme violence in a picturesque small town, and despite having a death rate comparable to Kabul, Jessica Fletcher never unearthed a seamier side of Pine Cove.