AnxiousLogic is a contrarian.

It isn't inherently more difficult; it's relatively more difficult due the the significant discrepancy in funding. o.o

Keep in mind that Wreck-It-Ralph was a Hollywood film with tons of financial backing; pulling off an anime of the same caliber in terms of "cross-licensing" would be significantly more difficult.

World War Blue may be the closest we ever come to that... :(

Aside from Sonic already having starred in a television series, the issue is obtaining rights to the various intellectual properties.

The data's encrypted and stored locally unless you use Dropbox to sync data across clients, so it's pretty secure. :P

Shel Silverstein's A Light in the Attic scared the bejesus out of me for no rational reason.

Sublime Text is available for Mac OS?? WHY WAS I NOT AWARE OF THIS?! Goodbye CodeRunner! o.o

Would you care to provide a few examples of viable technological solutions? Otherwise we're at a conversational stalemate.

But we don't have the technology to do it... as I just explained. o.o

Holy shit, that building is the stuff of property managers' nightmares...

In... her pants?

The Sakura segment was especially... nice. o.o

The system you propose -though admirable- is fanciful. There is no viable method to accomplish the goals you set forth. Say, for example, that unique identifiers were somehow attached to each digital copy; such a system could only be enforced after-the-fact through forensic analysis or "before-the-fact" through some

I believe you're overestimating the technological proficiency of the average end-user (i.e. customer). The majority of customers are not familiar with using the requisite technologies (e.g. BitTorrent, IRC, UseNet, etc.), though that may be different for younger customers.

Ah~ That was ingenious!

I was referring to operating costs, specifically that they would be prohibitively great.

Hence, "operating costs". o.o

Wouldn't such a small department have trouble funding the operating costs of military equipment like an MRAP?

At least SWAT didn't come into your house. :3

Wow, that video was boring as hell... and the gameplay doesn't seem immersive at all. :(