
That's an amazing idea.

For now, I'm stuck on Symbian v5. I use very few apps. My phone is simply a mediocre Internet box.

VOTE: iTunes

Exactly. I had no problem ever with 'losing' part of the fruit when hulling it. I just rip the leaves off and the rest of the berry is there.

VOTE: Facebook. The only reason is that all my friends use Facebook.

MythBusters busted this one a while ago.

I have always been using Dropbox as my Internet connection notifier. The network icon in Windows Vista messes up sometimes.

Shouldn't be a real requirement, but having a 3G Kindle is really handy. Free Internet in more than 100 countries, while being so light and slim.

I've been looking forward to this day for months. And yes, you need to bring your towel on all your trips. And remember to never panic.

I use a day less than my actual birthday.

Kindle. iPod with podcasts. I still get bored because I don't have a tablet yet. But I'm getting an iPad soon. That will fill in the hole.

Excuse me. I think you're commenting on the wrong blog.

That's so awesome. I never knew about it. Well, it won't work on Ubuntu and other GNOME-based OSes, because it just switches workspaces.

I have a friend with an NFS: Most Wanted rap as his alarm. When I asked him, he told me that he just put in the music he hates, which helps him wake up easily.

VOTE: Skype

Great to know I could help.

Used to work even in 3.6.x as far as I remember.

And you seriously think FB will be overtaken in the next five years?