
The disparity really is telling.  Like I remember when Obama, a devout christian, was called a Muslim and the anti-christ.  Trump, who likely owns an actual golden calf statue somewhere in his gold covered junk closet, and who gets confused about basic christian concepts is the next coming of Jesus.

(I)n the long run, the Democratic Party may actually be healthier for Hillary’s failure to secure the Presidency - look at the diversity and courage of the freshman class of House Representatives.

I think it’s arguable that Weiner was *one* of the straws that broke the Hillary campaign’s back, actually, especially since this shit broke only a week or two before Election Day. That being said, I also hate to remind everyone that someone being an idiot and making an election not go the way you wanted it to go is

While I dislike Trump as much as the next fellow, I don’t think any one thing can actually be blamed for him being president.

Especially in this day and age where you can find a tutorial for everything. Never changed a diaper before, or bathed a baby, and don’t know how to go about it? Look it up, Dad. You can find step by step instructions for anything.

While reading the article and the comments, I couldn’t help but think: How much you wanna bet the guys who say children do better with a mother and a father are the sort of guys who think child care is the purview of the mother?

Somewhere out there, Katy Perry breathes a sigh of relief.

I so wholeheartedly agree, the scene is ridiculous, especially how the whole bar turns into a rapt, participating audience. I’d forgotten about the next day, gushing fan! It’s a terrible scene. I bet Heigl hated it, but she managed to sell it.

It’s weird that these scenarios always focus on baby Hitler. He was a soldier in World War I who was at a bunch of battlefields - a time traveler could just go back in time in disguise, and shoot him on one of them. Hell, he almost died twice anyways (or slip him some poisoned beer, or whatever).

That is the wurst casing scenario....

I am here for this nuanced breakdown of Nazi Germany political history.

I think it is because they like to make arguments like, “What if MLK Jr had been aborted, hmmmm?” and they anticipate that it is literally equally as valid to respond, “Well, what if Hitler had been aborted?” And so he is preemptively saying he wouldn’t abort baby Hitler in answer to a hypothetical response to

Not to mention that Hitler wasn’t the lone originator of the racist/nationalist stuff that poisoned Germany. There was a lot of dissatisfaction with Germany’s declining state going back decades before Hitler became a big deal—in fact, he was introduced to those ideas right before WWI. Germany after the Treaty of

I dunno. Taking a child from it’s family for no reason they can fathom and then giving it to some other (potentially! we have no idea!) family seems pretty on-brand for these people.

So his answer is "forcibly remove a child from their home and parents and give them to someone "better suited" rather than render aid to better the child's home life and potentially stop them from growing up to be a criminal". I mean, I guess Republicans are consistent in believing they know what's best for others?

Would I kill baby Hitler? I mean... how many babies are dying/have died in Yemen in the last year that weren’t going to commit genocide while we have this stupid conversation, eh Ben? Nothing to say about those babies, huh? The ones who are here, right now, and whose saving don’t require a technology that your party

It’s a moot point, because you can’t go back in time and kill baby Hitler. Not because time travel doesn’t exist, but because it’s a predestination paradox.

He just backed the argument into a corner. Because now he needs to answer the “beyond birth” pro-life plan with social services and broadening education 


I think, of late, we’ve certainly seen a lot of That thing you think is trash is actually great” articles.