
Yeah, I’ve been wondering who dresses her. The pussy bow blouse she wore to the presidential debate right after the “grab ‘em by the pussy” tape was made public. The “I don’t care, do u?” jacket. And now this.

It’s like the world is just one theme party after another to her.

Dear shitty people of the world: STOP RUINING HATS OKAY? We already lost the fedora -- trilby? -- whatever the thing the incels wear is.

But it’s a valid criticism, because people do - consciously or subconsciously - get the message being telegraphed by wardrobe. This is why the best costume designers in Hollywood are in high demand; clothing can replace tedious exposition to establish a character.


My assumption is she has zero foreknowledge of the entire concept of colonialism and much more popular culture knowledge about what looks cute. On top of that, if you think about modeling, and all she’s really ever been is a model, lots of those shoots employ the fashion and props of stereotypes as an artistic choice.

Okay, as a regular traveller in East Africa, this pisses me off possibly more than it should:

In Mogambo, Grace Kelly played the arrogant Englishwoman utterly stuck in a colonialist mentality, and Ava Gardener played the free spirit who had no prejudices and fewer hangups. The costumer (the legendary Helen Rose) telegraphed this visually  (Grace is in a pith helmet, and Ava is wearing a straw picture hat)

jesus fucking christ, i was a yearbook editor in 08 and we couldn't slip ANYTHING by the final editors that was considered "extra curricular" in any way, how was this allowed!? i am so fucking furious at all the people who have let entitled rapist assholes like this get away with it their whole life!!! GAH

There sure was an advisor for our yearbook. In fact just to make sure stuff like this didn’t slip through, it’s the advisor who took the final draft to be printed after reviewing it one last time. No wonder those kids ran wild if this is how the school supervised their activities.

I was never in yearbook club, but doesn’t an actual adult or school official look at this shit before it goes to print? I know teens have been pulling stunts since the dawn of time but these seem like an awful lot of (obvious booze related) shenanigans.

Not to mention that while I didn’t see the whole briefing, I did see her claiming that “every single nominee for SCOTUS is entitled to a hearing and a vote” as if Merrick goddamn Garland didn’t even fucking exist, and not a single reporter I heard asked her about it. And you’re right, every time she bullshits them

I graduated from a prep school not too different from Georgetown in 1984. A few days ago, I went back over the senior pages in our yearbook, and it was amazing how much I misunderstood in all the other entries.

“We are a country that still believes you are innocent until proven guilty,”

I was watching this video about a drinking game called “two girls one cup” the other day, where two girls drink from a cup and I was reminded of the old drinking games we used to play in high school, like:

You clearly know nothing about the case. The woman at the center of the case was beaten so badly that she was in a coma for 12 days and said she had no memory of the attack or the time surrounding it. Try harder to troll.

You’re forgetting that they’ve packed the WH press corps with sycophants from Fox, Breitbart, OAN, etc. She usually pivots to one of them any time she gets pressed too hard. 

This is the problem I have with the journalists covering the White House. No matter who Sanders called next they should have simply asked the same question as Ryan until they got a real answer or she left.There is nothing to gain by normalizing this shitty behavior.

Since Aunt Lydia is playing “I forgot, I have to look at his comments”, well -

I’m still of the opinion Chidi doesn’t belong in the Bad Place, indecisiveness is annoying but it’s not on the level of being a jerk, self absorbed, or an actual criminal. However, it would be CRIMINAL to not have William Jackson Harper on the show.