
I don’t remember it EVER being that. Every “coming of age” movie I’ve ever seen was teens hanging out with teens and figuring their shit out together. The only adults were either absentee parents, cool advice givers, or just idiot authority figures trying to stop the kids from having fun.

This, like Dope, seems like a movie I’m going to enjoy immensely and also wish came out 10 years ago when I was in high school.

I’m guessing that was the point of the plea agreement. It sounds like they dismissed the only charges that would have kept him from owning weapons. Courts: Not so interested in protecting women.

It’s such a specifically evil thing to do. Like...who even thinks to do that? People certainly go to jail for less. I don’t get it.

He thought it would be just bitchin’ to cut the brake lines on a school bus. Not even remotely joking about that. That’s after he stole from a liquor store and went on a vandalism spree. Dude is a fucking psychopath.

Let’s also not forget that he didn’t see a single second of combat. “They come back different”, like he was on the front lines or remotely in danger. Naw, he’s just a Palin dickhead who, like his mother, refuses to own his shit.

If your drinking doesn’t have a 30% chance of killing you, then you’re *definitely* half-assing it.

I love that his proof is that two thirds of smokers don’t die from smoking related diseases. I’m sorry, is there another habit I can pick up that has over a 30% chance of killing me? I guess alcohol if I take it really seriously.

I’m afraid it’s a) 2000 and b) tobacco.

“People who know me well know I’m a pretty basic guy. I’m a Christian, a conservative and a Republican, in that order.”

Time for a quick reality check. Despite the hysteria from the political class and the media, smoking doesn’t kill.

Beautiful, concise and good to see. That’s exactly it. If police officers were willing to take themselves to task, people would see them differently.

Murder is actually the number one cause of death for pregnant women:

Yeah, but he’s stating a very obviously incorrect fact. This isn’t like saying, “He’s a very gentle person.” It’s like saying, “Everyone knows that losing all your blood doesn’t actually kill you, so he couldn’t have done it.”

Looking it up, I found out it's related to the word maim, which makes sense now.

Jeez. I now feel slightly less stupid for that time I called 911 because I thought a woman was screaming in my building and it turned out it was someone’s tv. I guess when in doubt etc?

I know, right? It sounds like it should be a step or two up from “shenanigans,” but NOOOOPE.

If their feelings are so delicate that the use of that quote might influence whether they’re on our side or not, they were never on our side to begin with.

“It’s very rare that someone is involved in a homicide case with someone they just had a baby with. It’s very early to make a conclusion as to what the cause, intent, motive and facts were to this unfortunate tragedy.”

This guy’s lawyer says: “It’s very rare that someone is involved in a homicide case with someone they just had a baby with.”