
It’s actually a pretty great way to transport alcohol into places where alcohol is not permitted. See: me circa 2012, smuggling box wine into a Smith College dining hall via a tinted nalgene, because what kind of philistines host an event where they make Julia Child’s recipes without supplying wine??? WAS I SUPPOSED

I feel like, if you’re going to do this, Rule 1 would be to have a dedicated bottle that you use, especially not one that is used by other people. Using someone else's is just asking to be caught.

“What are you drinking?”

Jerry Brown is Roman Catholic and briefly contemplated becoming a priest, so as great as this is, I don’t have a lot of hope that he will approve this measure

I have seen someone languish for 25 years. I grew up with that person wishing for death, but I was too young and immature to understand what he was going through, too young and immature to see that **I was the one who did not want him to go**. As an adult now, I am relieved, for his sake, that he finally passed -

I’m an intensive care physician, and want to clear a few things up, as I’ve not noticed any other comments addressing this important distinction. The article discusses legislation that would allow TERMINALLY ILL patients the right to be prescribed lethal medication, after making oral and written requests. This does

That’s how the Republicans work in most states. And then there’s California.

We have this in WA state. Everyone freaked out, and none of the horror stories really happened at all. I was a nurse during this time, and it divided staff. One of my fellow nurses was super passionate about it, and asked which nurse would administer the meds that would let someone die? I said I would. As long as it

Exactly. It sounds like her son had some type of trauma related incident not a terminal disease. And in my experience patient’s families often do not understand what you are telling them. And the “doctor’s don’t know everything crowd” tend to be the worst. Good doctors freely admit they don’t know everything.

Plus it sounds like they were talking about pulling the plug. That....isn't self administered, which is the actual topic being discussed.

It ended up not being a partisan issue. A few mod repubs voted in favor and a few mod dems voted against.

Assemblywoman Cheryl Brown (D-Rialto) told lawmakers about her son, who was near death. Doctors urged her to let him go. Nineteen days later, he came off life support. He survived, and is now a husband and father. “Doctors don’t know everything,” Brown said.

Replying to myself to share this:

Just based on the CA politicians quoted, this may not be a partisan issue. The democrat said she’s against it because doctors don’t know everything.

Suicide being selfish is such bullshit. When someone is mentally ill, it is not a rational act. My great aunt had seven children, was in and out of hospitals due to her manic depression, had ECT therapy, and grossly undertreated for her issues. The morning of my mother’s first communion, she committed suicide. She

I know in Vermont, where I live, the person seeking to legally overdose has to be suffering from an “incurable and irreversible condition” and have less than six months to live. Basically, be eligible for hospice care. That seems completely reasonable to me. I don’t believe the option has been utilized that much- I

This comment made me laugh more than it should have.

My boyfriend and I were recently discussing how long it would take for assisted suicide to become law nationwide. I say within the next 20 years, he is less optimistic. As the baby boomers watch their parents die needlessly painful deaths, they will see their own deaths ahead of them and legislate the shit out of this

Does that mean that all of the people who illegally killed themselves will finally be released from prison?

I hope this passes and becomes the law of the land. As someone with multiple debilitating health issues, who is also a cancer risk, I find it horrifying that people think that I need to suffer until the bitter end. Or, that if I do want to opt out, I either have to leave my home or leave a ghastly suicide scene