
What’s more, and as Ellis points out, a Dyson sphere-like object would absorb the star’s light, causing the structure to heat up and subsequently emit infrared radiation that should be detectable from Earth.

You know what kicks up a lot of space dust?

Maybe the emptied their Dyson’s dust canister?

But a black flight attendant, for the flight, which was operated by Envoy Air, accused the players of stealing the blankets...

I’m so happy I stopped watching this show.

This is ABSURD and emblematic of WB not understanding their own damned characters or what makes them work.

And yet again, DC proves that it’s ashamed of it’s super-heroness of it’s superhero movies.

I’m happy for Killjoys, but dammit, I loved Dark Matter! I know both shows are “Hot Canadian actors running around with guns in disguised warehouses” but there was no real reason to cancel one of them.

You know what, I’m just going to say it outright, Flashpoint is FUCKING stupid in almost every way imaginable.

I’m 38 and I’ve been through I the only one who thinks this is being way, way overhyped? It doesn’t get THAT dark, it’s cool to look at for a few minutes, but a “seminal moment in your life”? Really? It’s an interesting phenomenon, but hardly a milestone on its own.

Ok, sure, but the non-comics-fans won’t care about the color of the lightning, so why not make it yellow?

Or maybe the show should just not have a big bad for a while?

Assuming he was flaccid (which, admittedly is a stretch on account of his clear attraction to Dianna), dicks have this incredible ability to be squished/mashed/crumbled without any issue. Unless your dick is monstrous, you should be able to cover it with one hand. Consider this: The ‘package’ portion of men’s

I think this was a great adaptation. The only bad thing I can say about the movie is that Raven’s barely in it. But otherwise, it’s easily the best of the recent Teen Titans movies and an almost excellent execution of a classic story.

I appreciate how the film showed Slade as sexually manipulating Terra without ever consummating the relationship, going so far as to clearly state they’ve done nothing together, even though she asked. Wilson is a monster, but having him only feign acquiescing to future statutory rape was a good choice.

The only thing I was disappointed in was that besides giving Dick and Kori some backstory the beginning flashback served no purpose. I thought for sure that those “old” Titans would figure into the finale somehow but nope nothing.

I like how they assume the chefs are improperly handling the meat and not that it was simply cut from the show because it’s boring.

it really is forking unbelievable

But its MUCH easier to play up the reaction of the Bernie supporters, AND it has the added benefit of covering up the problems in the first place.

That’s sexist!!!! Gender is a social construct, you don’t need to have a sex to have a gender and they don’t have to match, anyone can be anything they want!!!!