
You're right, he definitely had a defiant social disorder at those press conferences this week.

I don't think you know what Social Anxiety Disorder is.

I will probably forget having read this, but more importantly, I did laugh, so +1 for you.

Not sure about Marshawn, but Jay Cutler is doing his best to mock our right to Bear arms.

How does somebody get this fucked up? I guess it probably stems from some childhood trauma, such as when an uncle helped him off a horse.

You obviously have no real comprehension of the term "Hypocrisy".

He talks to reporters fine when it's on his terms. Hell, he did a special with ESPN about his close knit relationship to his home town (Oakland). Endorsing products is done on his terms, and does not require him to be FORCED to answer stupid questions.


I didn't really care who wins on Sunday, but now I don't think I've ever wanted anything more than for Lynch to score 6 touchdowns, grab his crotch after every one, win the MVP, receive the trophy from Goodell and get interviewed on the podium after. IF THERE'S A JUST GOD THIS WILL HAPPEN.

Actually, the Sphinx was the one asking the stupid questions.

Oh for fuck's sakes. I'm a white lady in Canada and I never got cuffed or put in the back of a police car when parties got shut down. They just sent me home. The things people think they can get away with just because of someone's skin colour...

The men met at a Miami Heat game as part of their on-going commitment to celebrate things that sports fans were really excited about in 2010.

Mayweather had plans to attend the game. Pacquiao was just there to Tagalog.

The GM and Something Something President of my favorite team, who when he was "promoted" to that position this past offseason, said something along the lines that he was the one to blame for any problems going forward, that fans could demand answers from him.

I Know. It makes me so angry when people don't act exactly the way I want them to.

He doesn't owe you anything, or care what you think. God that must piss you off.

The really cool thing is nobody cares what you think. I'll buy him a beer if I ever see him, just for making sad little people like you angry.

Would you like some cry's with your wah-burger?

Marshawn Lynch gets paid to play football. The fans of the Seattle Seahawks organization are just fine with him entertaining them on the field.

Woah woah woah... that's a little harsh! No need to call them "professionals".

It's almost as if people who grow up in impoverished minority-heavy areas keep some verbal vestiges of that upbringing even if they're intelligent people.

Belichick: I like a little puppet. You can kinda put your fingers in, it's a little monkey and then he can talk.