
Oooh. I got the "just sayin'" dropped on me. Cutting edge pop culture burn.

Nailed it. The rich, white, former Republican congressman who drinks Starbucks for a living is the trusted voice we need in these tumultuous times.

This raging epidemic of good white folks (who've chosen to record their ignorant musings publicly) having their "lives ruined", is it as serious and widespread as The Knockout Game, or is it a more isolated, regional racial paranoia maelstrom , like Central Park Wilding?

So you're a fan of both Run The Jewels and the smug human skin tag who smirked his way through a press conference in which he blamed the media and Ferguson residents for Michael Brown's murder?

Don't forget the cop who insisted a rape kit would've been useless the day after, because the victim showered. 4 days later they finally did what should have been automatic and took one. Essentially, apathy and indifference from cops and school staff may hinder the prosecution of "Brian" the violent sociopath. They

The Hart family don't come across as an average family (or a very bright clan, for that matter). Creepy old Stu's endless time spent choking out young men in the basement. The obnoxious, loudmouth wives instigating shit backstage. Bret sticking with the company even when it's obvious the WWF's negligence killed his

Except for the 70 folks who believe she's right. This is an absurd amount of money to spend on a dog who has apparently been surviving just fine without soothsayers and surveillance cams.

They have a right to whatever freeky deeky, wackadoo, moonhowling fantasy they want, just as I have the right to marvel at its stupidity. I'm reserving the right to revisit how I feel about these puzzle factory rejects if they start referring to themselves as a repressed minority though.


You can buy verification now. Cheap, too.

It's FUCKING weird to see GAMERS write their STRONG TAKES in the same RIDICULOUS style as CONSERVATIVE WINGNUTS. Get over yourself.


If you didn't get a laugh outta the review you're catchin feeelings guy.

I don't give a shit about the video, or your vendetta against the so-called liberal media. The media, at this point, is wide open and accessible. You have choices. You don't have to visit Gawker, watch MSNBC, or shoot your TV when The Daily Show's on. You can visit Breitbart, watch FOX News, and LOL at Gavin McInnes

Are you a racist goof and a longwinded gasbag? Yes.

They've removed it.

So, your response to Deadspin's "rumor spreading" is to create a rumor of your own?