
Do you believe there is no outrage? Do you believe there aren't scores of people in every community volunteering their time and resources to prevent violence? Do you believe every single black person in the "hood" is cool with all the drugs, gangs, and death?

Someone's being melodramatic here. It's you.

Careful bro, or they'll doxx the shit outta you.

Did you even read the article?

About as much as food, movies, or bears. Deal with it. Don't wanna read it, don't click.

The looting occurred away from the protest, by a group of people who were not participants.

Here here! Now all black men just need to became one of the most celebrated RBs in NFL history and famous people in the US and they'll be alright. You fucking idiot.

I thought it was because he's been rendered useless by a party full of old, rich white guys.

"I'm sick of all this shit. That racism."

The "angry mob" in this particular instance already dealt with this issue their way, by killing an unarmed teen.

Feel however you want about it, but Michelle Beadle is hardly a "nameless internet blogger".

What the fuck do politics have to do with beating women? What do politics have to do with a talking head on TV saying some dumb shit about violence against women? If Deadspin is too liberal, does that mean their stance against violence against women is in opposition to the right? 'Cuz if it does, the next logical step

The relationship between First Nations and Filipino people in the prairies of Canada is, let's just say, complicated. Hard working immigrants who come to Canada for a better life, often with both parents working 2 full-time jobs, move to the neighborhoods they can afford (the inner city), and see the substance abuse,

Oh brother. Fuckin baby boomers. This isn't about you.

Nailed it. Fuck this dude and fuck dick pic too (no innuendo).

"you do realize that not all supporters for a cause have to be a part of the discriminated correct?"

Except this story is about the Vikings claiming they weren't part of that "big, bad homophobia", then promising to reveal the results of an internal investigation about that alleged homophobia to the public, and finally deciding they weren't going to release the results at all.

To be fair to this brainiac's comment, to him "meaningful life comparison" means access to Sonic drive-thrus, HD TV screen size, and whether or night you have the right to forget your loaded handgun on a shelf in the toy section at Target.

Deadspin usually links a few longform stories a week though, nothin new here.

It could be worse, like the dork a few threads up who asked, "Can someone sum this up for me in a paragraph or less?". Meaning, "Does he kill a hooker or snort a rail in this or what bro?".