
You probably don’t remember Crystal Pepsi. Or New Coke (dear God I’m old).

ugh, your that guy. I dont want to hear your views on gamergate.

Trendy Man: Mr. Melon, your wife was just showing us her Klimt.

So how often does Hondas clothes get stuck between the blocks? Is that a regular occurrence.

She also expressed her feelings to him the next day. He heard her out and apologized. I see no reason to doubt the sincerity of his apology. His statement on the matter affirms that he took her words to heart.

This was a bad date. She had a horrible date with a clueless guy who thought he was being sexy and hot. She was made to feel uncomfortable, and it wasn’t right.

The story reads to me like a groupie dissatisfied she was treated like a groupie.

Just here for the comments:

People keep bringing up this is a movie about failure to somehow shield it from criticism because it somehow is breaking new ground... but Empire was about failure. In fact I’d say Empire is even more about failure because they actually failed. Han captured, Luke defeated.. you know failure. People died in Last Jedi

When they said DLC would be free, I knew there would be a catch... There’s always a catch.

Eagle Scout, Assistant Scoutmaster, and merit badge instructor here: This is fine.

Honestly, Scouting needs to be more inclusive if it wants to survive. The Mormon Church was unofficially running the show for a long time (hence the shitty track record towards the LGBTQ+ community), and only recently announced they

It is an embarrassment that in a nation where politicians prominently wear flag pins on their lapels and constantly bray about what a privilege it is to live here, that some of the country’s most vulnerable citizens have to prostrate themselves before these same faux patriots to beg for their basic humanity. 

Sure is interesting how this gentleman, and most of the other veterans I know (myself included) have become this endangered species whose feelings and honor must be protected by the brave patriots in the bleachers and on twitter!

I served in the military during the Vietnam war, and my foot hurt too, but I served anyway.

Does this mean we finally get some more gun control, now? Boy, I hope so.

Thank god they’ve got excellent health care!

Its living tissue over metal endoskeleton. Duh!

No problem!

I’m guessing (I don’t know the La La Land dudes) that the bald fellow who broke the news over the mic was the above-mentioned Jordan Horowitz?

I’ve never seen him before but I admire how he was serious as a heart attack about this. He wasn’t having any jokes, he was not putting up with any confusion, and he fucking

These look pretty bad ass, but I was wondering the same thing. LOL They remind me of the beds in Fifth Element on the flight to the cruise ship.