
Celebrities go on the Tonight Show wearing clothes they were paid to wear while promoting movies, shows, and albums they were paid to promote. Official Tonight Show videos get millions of views on YouTube, and there's zero disclosure in the video or the description about those sponsored relationships. So why does

I enjoy Angry Joe dude.

Well, the time involved can be worthwhile, just not monetarily. The very idea of just recording yourself playing video games and thinking it could be profitable is where it all falls apart. If that's all it took, I wouldn't have spent last night playing twenty year old Game Boy games because it's fun, I would have

Maybe this article will finally rid of the perceived notion that Youtubers aren't as corruptible as actual editorials. I'm not saying that there's widespread corruption in mainstream media, but people need to realize that both type of media suffer from the same pressure from big name publishers. It doesn't matter if

Did you ever watch the gameplay from that. Even back then it was trash. I was glad i was forced to cancel my preorder. halo was out then too and even though the first halo had a trash story, it was still a better game.

Destiny's review scores killed Titan.

"Artistical?" Really?

They'll let us know.... when it's ready

I find that sentiment from them funny because the last thing I heard about Blizzard before this was that they'd be making more WoW expansions and they'd be putting them out faster. So, no to doing another MMO because they can't seem to give up on their current one.

they never said they didn't have anything new, they just aren't doing an MMORPG at the time. Hearthstone has been nothing but profit, and we all know they are least hear us screaming for Warcraft 4.

In spite of? Guy, that happens everytime we reach the end of the cycle for the latest expansion.

I'm not. :( I don't find these small games fun. Sure, they're... "fun", but not engaging to me. I mean, heck, I found Destiny to be the most enjoyable thing i've played in a long time.

Can we put a ban on the word Titan? Titanfall has titans (including one in its title), Destiny has titans, Battlefield 2142 has titans, Warhammer 40K has titans, Eve Online has titans... No more titans!

dem eyebrows doh!

Somehow even more terrifying than in the movie...

This man deserves the Cosplay Awards. ALL OF THEM.

what would be awesome is that they purposely left alot of the narrative out... as in, if the Guardians really are part of under a spell/hypnotized, a generic/boring story is behind it, but they don't question it because they just need one tinhy little reason to do what they are told...

Should have called it "For Fun" and "For Assholes Who Want To Turn A Fun Gathering Into A Competition"