How can you "love" him but take issue with his comedy being depressing? That's his whole schtick.
How can you "love" him but take issue with his comedy being depressing? That's his whole schtick.
I find most people jump on their phones to avoid looking alone, say being in an uncomfortable room with people who are talking and you don't wan't to stand there like a lemon.
This "doing things after eating a hot pepper" trend better not stop, because it's amazing.
Not the point, but no adult human being should have a visible hickey anyway. They're strictly for teens and maybe really drunk 20 year-olds.
The sad thing that people everywhere don't seem to understand is, and your post kinda hints in this direction: You can teach a child till you turn blue in the face, but when they walk out that door everyday, the only thing you can do is hope they cared about what you taught them enough to employ it.
This would only be acceptable if Uncle Jesse was accompanying them
Is it so much to ask that we get 1 preview video where the user doesn't suck at Pokemon? I mean come on you almost lost with freaking Mega Mewtwo. Also this isn't new footage this is the same demo from gamescom just now in English.
Beautiful girl feels socially awkward, her special skills (giggidy) help society accept her.
heres probably the same demo they will have that was at gamescom.
It would have been interesting if Ironside repriced his role as a retired Sam Fisher who guided a younger female agent through missions.
Better than the setup for Blacklist thats for sure.
I'm sure you're going to get a lot of OMG YOU ARE A SLUT HATER. But I just want to say I agree with you. For me there is a huge difference between a girl meeting a guy and going into the bathroom or going back to his car to hook up vs a girl hooking up with a guy in an arena with millions of people. One is a "private"…
I'm sure this post will be deleted, as was my original post calling out your hypocrisy in the wake of stories like Amanda Bynes'. Was it because so many readers agreed with me? I guess I learned a lesson today: free speech ok on Jezebel, except for opposing opinions and honest criticism. Sad.
What girls will do today boggles my mind considering they know everything will eventually go viral.
So, am I a prude if I think that YES - women can and should enjoy sex and should not be shamed for it, but NO - it is not and should not be publicly acceptable to offer to perform sexual acts in a crowd of people.
I definitely did!
This is NOT a Pixar movie. NOT NOT NOT.
Imma let you finish, but Cool Runnings is the best movie of all time.
This movie looks bad all around. I can't imagine anyone over the age of 5 liking it. The sexism doesn't help either. But I don't necessarily think that criticizing this movie helps. This movie is so unimportant in the grand scheme of things that it's not even funny.