
If only there was some way to watch a single episode of a show you 'don't watch'. Unfortunately, if you haven't previously proclaimed a show one that 'you watch' there's absolutely no way for you to watch a single episode. Bummer!

Can we talk about Breaking Bad instead? Because ever since Mad Men ended I've had nothing but re-runs of Fringe on Netflix.

I think I understand the the problem I have with Sarkeesian's videos.

I completely concur. Being a white mid-20s male, I really can't win refuting her statements.

the worst thing about all the hoo-haa around sarkeesian is that you cant criticise her argument without looking like an asshole.

"I regret nothing!"

I sold my gaming laptop to buy a Wii U.

You forgot to mention that the Pokemon games are probably going to see even more 3DS purchases than Animal Crossing did! I've talked to at least five people in the last week that mentioned they plan on buying a 3DS specifically for that game. Nintendo has always been about great licensed titles, and Pokemon is by far

Fatniss Everdeen

I am fucking dying right now. Can I use this? Actually, fuck you and your permission; I'm going to use it liberally.

I wish I had friends that did that mine always remain mysteriously quiet when I mention turnips. I suspect a lot of them are time travellers D:

Is this Lil' Dick Perry's office? Good.

He says, moving his pencil around the curves ever so tenderly.

I'm the hero that Kotaku needs, but not that it deserves. A silent guardian, a watchful protector. A dork knight.

The day someone calls a penguin boring is the day dreams have died.

When I saw the skull I stopped thinking "Disney Princess" and started thinking "beastmaster."

We'll know that we've reached true equality when gays and lesbians feel free to approach their wedding with the same vulgar sense of entitlement and ingratitude that straight people have.

You swapped your Charizard for a Pikachu!?
Get out, and never darken my door again!

I thought the Flaming C was crabs.

"Zack Snyder is being allowed to keep making movies! Just let that sink in."

"We're gonna need a bigger shoe..."