
I’m of the opinion she’s “Purple” at her core. She’s an educated young woman of the new millennium that can see the matrix code of how fucked up shit is and she subconsciously wishes she could be more progressive in her views on all topics but hereditary and a clear love of her father (and his party of choice) holds

Swift sure aint gonna age well musically...

Just wait until these people find out Jesus wasn’t white...

In a later scene, his mother tells her son to “eat a salad,”

I feel like you forgot the books are a thing and GRRM told the showruners what the ending is, so they’ve probably got to keep specific characters alive to do certain things within the season that the books will end with. So I guess you’re saying GRRM is a coward?

As mainly a reader of the books and quiter of watching the TV show by season 3 (it strayed to far from the source after that). It’s weird thinking of the characters being so far off in age from those in the original books.

I vote humanity start a new pantheon of “New Gods” and Teigan gets placed among them, post haste. She’s the best.

I for one have about as much interest in the coming Black Widow movie as I do a metaphorical Hawkeye movie. Which is none at all. Both characters are best used as supporting characters to other more flashy heroes. Meh.

Something tells me he’s got little tater tots in his family or worked at a Summer camp with them to be this good of a dude to a kiddo.

The most egresious loss is not having Bulk and Skull as a single playable “tag-team” option for fighters.

Just popping in to say good on him for sticking to his guns. But also, check back on his words in say 5 to 10 years. I’m sure by that point, someone will leave a dump truck full of money on his doorstep and he’ll be directing a big tent pole franchise movie like Avatar 38 and It’ll have a white dude in a staring role.

I think I know like 6 of the performers on that list...

You get the hell out of here with saying anything bad about D&D...

Yes, it’s call 80s action movies. Boom, mic drop. Thanks for asking.

I’m shocked i say, SHOCKED to hear an artist’s 20+ year old first attempt at an album isn’t as good as one remembers. SHOCKED I tell you!

Really great article. Quite in depth. That book you mentioned, “Empire of the Imagination” is really quite good and I hope some day a movie gets made of it.

Hall fuckin looooooooooo YAH Mr Nick Clinte

As a white dude with a fair bit of tattoos, I get asked to touch my tattoos often.

Yeah.... you most definitely did not understand their joke and took their statement at full serious-business face value. And you’re just trying to save face now. Just own up to it and move on. It’s the internet, we’ll forgive you for not understanding jokes when in text form. Happens to all of us.

Just of note, Mamoa is a gigantic Ham for doing Hakas all over the place. I’ve seen so many god damn videos of him doing a Haka from here to timbucktoo all over the internet. So it’s not like she’s asking him to do something he doesn’t freely do himself on the reg.