
In the new millennium, no one is ever allowed to change over time or have things known in their proper context. In the end, we will all be put on pedestals that sit in a garbage dumpster.

It’s always important to remember, in the new millennium, everyone has potential to be an asshole to other people.


Good job Justin.

There is no way in hell he didn’t mean to type “tiny”. Get out of here with that bullshit.

It annoys me that I find her cute...

and another star to your reply

Here, Have a star, you magnificent bastard.

Let me tell you a story of how I once got accidentally elbowed in the stomach and crumpled to the floor during a family Christmas photo op...

I pose the question, being a person who knows nothing of speed runs or the GDQ organization: In the age of Photoshop and the internet, how much weight should screenshots have?

I pose the question, being a person who knows nothing of speed runs or the GDQ organization: In the age of Photoshop and the internet, how much weight should screenshots have?

Or ya know, the critic felt a lot of guilt and humans tend to internalize that kind of shit and he was searching to be redeemed in someone way and not feel guilt?

Or you know, the author just felt like he was at fault and wanted to get redemption from someone he thought he had faulted?

You know you’re on Jezebel when a food critic’s story involving a hamburger turns into a “men are horrible” article.

lol what?????

Because in the end, saying you’d do something and actually doing the thing when you’re put into that position are miles apart. Plus, they clearly felt like they’d be killing their metaphorical child. Gotta have sympathy for someone put into that position by another person’s horrendous actions. Lesson learned I’m sure.

The next dude to be used as song inspiration?

I am of the opinion that in the new millennium, female musicians appear to only date men so they can write songs about them later when they breakup.


Maybe I’m the wrong age, but the only one of those you listed that I know of is Beauty Shop.