Bud, you are not setting a good precedent right now. Please, stop.
Bud, you are not setting a good precedent right now. Please, stop.
There probably is no dividing line. There can only be a decision. There will always be hypocrisy to be found in these decisions. I think we can guess the likely reasons behind the removal, because there aren't many: 1) This company is really thirsty for attention, and is likely to insert more and more increments of…
Listen to this guy. Listen to him twice.
The fuck are you talking about? My view is it's completely fine to be adnormal, and it shouldn't be seen as a bad thing, which is what is implied when marketing limits to specific genders. I mean %90 of what you're saying I agree with, and supporting, but you seem to be against keeping marketing neutral. What's wrong…
lol wut?
EA? Moneygrabbing? Nonsense!
I'm sad that episodes 3-6 got leaked. That has to really suck for them.... BUT I AINT COMPLANIN ABOUT GETTING IT BEFORE THEY PROBABLY PLANNED TO RELEASE IT
After 16 years covering the game industry, playing hundreds of games and interviewing thousands of people, I've…
it's an image thing. They probably hired him considering how he looked wearing glasses and then realized the lighting problem. Yes, even PBS shows have micro-managing producers/directors.
I see where you're coming from but it doesn't really have anything to do with her being an (attractive) woman, drawing cutesy fanart of serious political figures is somewhat of a meme in itself.
Thank you for sharing your dissenting opinion, kind sir.
Hard work doesn't make things worthwhile, you're right. People have to benefit from hard work in some way. Entertainment and communicating ideas are benefits.
I'd say that entertaining people is most certainly a worthwhile pursuit.
Yes, but it's entertainment, if hundreds of thousands of people... or millions... enjoyed watching your video... that does have value, humans need entertainment whether it seems important or not, it's a huge part of culture.
And what makes you the arbiter of worthwhile-ness and productive-ness?
Would you disagree? When, in gaming's history, have we seen such a proliferation, and widespread availability, of indie games?
A cancer is far too harsh a comment for this woman. At the end, it's fucking videogames. Disagree and insult her stance all your want, but she's a fucking human being at the end of the day. A "cancer"? Good lord.
Oh no, a writer that only really cares about the writing. How horrible.
Or maybe she has a writing background. So she likes writing and story telling, not necessarily gaming. That would seem somewhat logical ya dumbfuck!