
Hah, how are you going to be so mad that you e-mail your real thoughts to someone with access to a tv camera and an audience? You’re the news now bitch.

Apartments are basically barebones FFXI mog-houses, without all the bells and whistles added to that game’s housing feature over the years. The least they could have done is add that spinning moogle...

“Build us a Final Fantasy-flavored slum and I will live under a box, as long as I don’t have to fight for it.”

Uh...that already exists, Mike: Apartments. You (and a whole lot of other players) seem to have forgotten that this’s been A THING for a while now.

Here’s a refresher: Apartments were introduced back in

They have instanced apartments. It’s basically a one room studio apartment which is perfectly square. The idea is you get a plot and customize the house and lawn to make your neighbors jealous. The limit here is server side data storage, performance, and upkeep. And server physical volume to put the machines that

Of all the dumb takes I’ve seen today, yours was the dumbest. Congratulations.

At the very least, he owes Issa some money right now. Maybe he doesn’t know about her crashed car, but he does know that she had to move because they raised the rent. He needs to shell out some serious pocket change for two years of no dough and all woe.

Isn’t that Poke? It’s all the rage here in hipsterville. Call it Poke and serve away, I say.

I’ve been watching EVERY SINGLE EPISODE of UNHhhh since the last article on Drag Race contestants and honest to fucking god I’ve never been so happy to watch pure insanity for 5 hours straight.

Trixie is something special and her career seems to be really taking off (no I am not actually Trixie, or even Katya)

I… I thought we already knew this?

This is THE question. And the answer is yes.

He also thinks Akie Abe doesn’t speak English.

That’s nothing compared to my vagina fetish.

Just kidding, I like being choked.

He’s being intentionally obtuse, don’t engage him.

He’s 20. That’s pretty young to have to be addressing your sexual preferences with anyone, much less the dregs that are Twitter.

Jon Hamm is the patron saint of mid-30s unemployed male alcoholics sleeping on friend’s couches everywhere: eventually, if you have a massive dick, everything will be fine.

Republican voters don’t love these fascist thugs no matter what, they love them precisely because they act like fascist thugs, which they equate with strength and manliness.

there’s a very good chance that you’ve seen Gengoroh Tagame’s illustrations of bearded, muscular men...