
You’re referring to the summary of the plans and not just the plans.

I think “Moscow Mitch” is the best campaign the Democrats have run since 2012.

Counterpoint: from all accounts, the nickname seems to seriously piss him off, and I enjoy that very much, so I suggest that everyone continue using it. Thank you. 

Okay this is for Bill.

Yeah just like nobody needs easy access to healthcare or affordable education.

I think we can all agree doing blackface, VERY BAD IDEA, but on the other hand, does the concept of blackface resonate outside of America? I genuinely don’t know if there were minstrel shows in Europe, in which case, the fact that you just don’t do stuff like that, doesn’t resonate with that population. I hate to use

I get why she was banned. American company American rules, but the whole idea that the whole planet is supposed to know and follow the cultural norms of the Anglo-sphere is absurd. Not only absurd but based rooted in the very same imperialist ideas that made colonials so certain that they were the cultured ones,


To say your sister's death is stupid is not the same thing as saying that she was stupid.

Burt, I usually agree with you. But I posted this earlier in a different thread and feel it bears repeating here. ....
I'm clearly in the minority here, and I don't know Jared whatshisname outside of being Dean on "Gilmore Girls", and I'm sure his PR people tore him a new one. But he does have a point. Honestly, PSH

Iraqis seem to think they're the bomb.