
How does the president enact term limits?

I think I was called racist and sexist about two posts ago.

I just looked up minority governors in the U.S. Of the seven, five of them are Republican. One of them is a Democrat. How do those racists elect these people? MY GOD. SOME OF THEM ARE WOMEN?!?

Ahhhhh, a Person of Interest article. Thank you! I think you need to go watch the first season again to see how Fusco ended up where he did.

They might not be able to because they wouldn’t be crimes she commited as POTUS.

Why does it seem every time I read one of these lists I see that Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow is leaving?

The special effects in the Special Editions are twenty years old. That was how old the originals were when the original FX were considered unwatchable by modern audiences.

The special effects in the Special Editions are twenty years old. That was how old the originals were when the

James Doohan.

Wow. This is true.

My GOD. He sounds like a Gawker commenter!

Like, ROBOTECH Robotech? Well, we’ll see how that holds up.

Bad examples. Because I can totally hum Ant-Man and Thor. In fact I think these are two of the strongest scores of the MCU. (I now have Ant-Man’s theme stuck in my head.)

He was in the Star Tours Disney store as early as last June. Damn them.

The Interdictor was introduced in the West End RPG, then used in Timothy Zahn’s Thrawn trilogy and finally appeared in X-Wing: Alliance almost ten years later. It also showed up on Star Wars: Rebels last season.

Hey, I was just excited when I saw a little girl wearing a Black Widow shirt the other day.

Michael Caine on Jaws 4: “I have never seen the film, but by all accounts it was terrible. However I have seen the house that it built, and it is terrific.”

It’s not very good capitalism. The math seems poor.

Whedon is more than aware that he has the rep that he does. OTOH another big part of his rep is that he plays against tropes. And now HE IS the trope.

The knock on a lack of Widow merchandise is not entirely overstated. Except there is also almost no Hawkeye merchandise either. My boy’s Avengers sneakers have Widow but no Hawkeye.

That's lovely. Thanks for the post.