I was watching the video to see what was included with Humble Bundle 11, and had to pause half way through to purchase the bundle. They had me at Elysian Tail!
I was watching the video to see what was included with Humble Bundle 11, and had to pause half way through to purchase the bundle. They had me at Elysian Tail!
Fucking hell thought that was photoshopped! Looks like I have some Jimmy Fallon to watch.
That's what I was going to mention UsernameofTheDead. I remember when Mass Effect 1 was announced and EA/Microsoft swore up and down that the PS3 would NEVER see that game. Also, I'm not sure if anyone will remember this but Shinji Mikami claimed he would cut his head off if RE4 came to another system. He owes us…
I said this before but the Vita is the system that keeps on giving for me. I bought one during that crazy Amazon sale (bundled with AC: Liberation and 3 months of Plus) for $180 and haven't put it down since. Which is surprising to ME since I thought, of all my consoles, the Vita would most certainly be the one…
Damn...I felt like I was so close to making you burst, but then you responded with RATIONAL THOUGHT!
That Roku is far less capable and powerful than an Ouya.
Right let me buy a shit Android gaming console with a shit media interface instead of a Roku. Yeah that makes sense.
and isn't an Android device
"No one is supposed talk about the alpha. Just think they should respect that. I don't need to watch, I was able to get in."
Yeah my wife too. This is somehow less funny because it just reminds me of how incredibly stupid some modern mothers can be.
First they came for my butts, and I did not speak out
Hot dang man, I've ever seen someone so uninformed defend themselves so vehemently.
Man Samsung sure is going overboard way with their viral marketing.
You acted like a little bitch....now we're treating you as such.
Just here to point out how fucking wrong you are. A LOT of us love articles like this on Kotaku, and in fact come here for their off beat view on video games, TV, and other media.
Brad will be leaving soon to take over at IGN.
Sorry but why bother.
Eh...no rush. I caved and bought an iPad just check out cool stuff like this. I've come to terms with the Android app scene. And now that Apple has announced a standerization of controllers for iOS, games will only get BETTER. Which will mean an even wider gap in the quality of Android and iOS games :-/
Probably because app sales on Android are abysmal. sigh...
Dude not even freaking Nintendo price price gouges like this. Heck most of these FF games can be bought on PSN for half the price (sometimes less). Old digital games should not cost nearly this much. Especially when for much less you can have a new experience on the App/Play Store.