
It would seem that on Jezebel, of all places, those who "don't get it" would also realize that their getting "it" is not a requirement. It doesn't affect the validity, seriousness, or importance of the issue for others. It's like me minimizing my family/SO/friend's fear and aversions because I find them silly. Don't

The first rule of Pie Club is you do not talk about Pie Club. The second rule of Pie Club is we tend to be good on fruit, so maybe consider bringing a nice coconut cream or Pecan next time.

To all of the people who were putting Emma Watson down yesterday for not bringing anything new to the table regarding feminism or for just giving basic "Feminism 101" in her speech -

Caveat: I am not brilliant with the fan art thing!

Now playing

I just want to draw some quick attention to this line from Stanley's NYT piece (emphasis mine):

aggressively white

"Ms. Rhimes chose a performer who is older, darker-skinned and less classically beautiful than Ms. Washington, or for that matter Halle Berry."

The only person who is angry, ALL THE TIME, is Mellie. Who is white. Super duper white.


This is ridiculous considering the character most like her by her own words is Christina Yang.

Hi Yoga Nerd. Haven't seen you since we talked about ADD and pregnancy awhile back. It is weird because I was going to post this same thing only with the opposite view.

Selfish irrationality is pretty much the defining characteristic of humans: we constantly and unblinkingly do things that are objectively deleterious and of dubious motivation for the sake of convenience, pleasure, etc. These pants? Probably made with sweatshop or sweatshop-like labor. The coffee I drank earlier?


I think what frustrates me the most is that there doesn't seem to be any empathy there. As someone who's acted since her teens, I would assume that at some point in her career Mayim has been asked to do or wear things that made her uncomfortable. If she'd come at this from the standpoint of performers, especially very

I mean, I know that society is patriarchal and women are expected to be sexy and sexually available no matter what we do in society, but I guess now I need to explain that to my sons?

I don't know if this counts as an actual poop story, but it involves poop.

Unfortunately it does happen.

Just to give you a sense of how old I am—when I said "old fashioned way" I was thinking of polaroids. I can't imagine who would take nude pictures to a photo developer.

There's something seriously wrong when we can't say a) I support big fat punishment for people who steal other's photos and people who post photo's without the express permission of the individual in the picture AND b) recognize that those laws will be applied after the damage is done so if you don't want folks to see