That fact that the "R-word" as you put it here (almost like it's the "N-word") is considered such a hot-button word is part of the problem — people get so defensive about the word racist that they're thinking of their defense before really hearing what the minority person/group is trying to say. Yes, this kind of…
I'm only casting by sheer blinding attractiveness because I have not seen 12 Years a Slave, but this face needs to be in every movie. She deserves every opportunity that attractive white actresses (with no proven audience draw) get. *Googles* Okay, Yale drama school! Let's put her in everything, Hollywood.
Plus, as Nate Silver posits in his TedTalk about racism and the '04 and '08 elections, monoracial communities tend to skew way more racist, and and unless all young people just choose to move out of their racist neighborhoods, those communities will continue to reinforce and grow heir homogeneous viewpoints.
I think what Erin's trying to say is that you can't control the way people respond to anything you say about them. The compliment thing is a pretty drastic and perhaps farfetched example, but basically it doesn't matter that you don't consider it an insult and they do. Now do you have to be okay with someone's…
Yeah the conditioning regarding your worth as a single woman (um, none) versus part of a married couple goes beyond even fluffy fairy tales to classic school-taught literature (Austen, Bronte, Shakespeare), making it insidious and inescapable. I mean historically at least marriage was more tied to actual survival but…
This hits way close to home. Although my immigrant story meant that my self-chosen name at 19 is different from the phonetically translated, easily mocked version of my birth name, I can understand when she says "I wanted to change my name because it didn't feel comfortable" — but was that before or after being…
And somehow that list is still better than their "Joke" of the Day from June 4:
Once I saw her in Soho; she had glasses on but I could identify her from only her cheekbones. Fa-bu-lous, she is.
The most important point for a guest to be accommodating. I'm assuming that you're not necessarily staying in a town/city in which you had lots of friends to crash with, so please be considerate of the amount of space and state of the place with which your host can provide you. Follow their lead in terms of how much…
You might listen to truth from a jerk because you love and/or respect them (assuming they're not jerks all the time), or you're ready to listen to what that person with the differing view has to say. Maybe that's why you didn't leave after people initially jumped on you for your rape comment — you were ready to take…