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It’s not a problem for me. What I believe is based on science and empirical observation. There is no known method for changing the biological sex of a human. I’m therefore unable to internalize that Caitlyn Jenner is a female. I’m not going to hollar or carry on about someone being able to define themselves however

I’ll translate your answer for him: Ugh, everyone knows your right, but its easier to pretend that slavery is a white people thing rather than a human institution that lasted for millenia and white people happened to end. So now I’ll make a pithy comment to insult your intelligence rather than acknowledge the truth

Start working at home with Google! It’s by-far the best job I’ve had. Last Wednesday I got a brand new BMW since getting a check for $6474 this - 4 weeks past. I began this 8-months ago and immediately was bringing home at least $77 per hour. I work through this link, go to tech tab for work detail.

The way some people are practically building an altar to her every word, be it a tweet or tumblr post is astounding. When she finally missteps and says the wrong thing and she will because she is human, the fallout, especially from tumblr will be epic. And I’ve got the popcorn ready.


I'm sorry, but I have to wholeheartedly disagree with this article. I am supposed to stop supporting a team I grew up loving because the asshole higher ups made and a completely terrible decision? I have to choose between being a feminist and supporting a team whose fan ship is huge part of my identity? Of course Ray

So, tell me, is this different from the time Gawker decided to post the Hulk Hogan sex tape and refused to take down the post when asked to? Let this be a lesson to Gawker : if you want to act outraged at something, don't be part of the organization that made a similar blunder. To quote :

I forgot about that. What say you Gawker? Aren't you just as bad as all these hacker/posters?

Just don't take pictures of yourself naked period. This has happened how many times, and to how many celebs? Pamela Anderson's sex tape was found out and distributed, and that was when people still used camcorders. Now we have smartphones(never mind cloud storage services), an infinitely less secure device on its

I will say one thing about this. Do what you want with your body. Take all the pictures you want, give them to whomever you want. Its your right. But if you dont want them to get out into the public domain, KNOW where they are, keep control. And dont trust some stupid cloud server in Tennessee to keep them safe.

A large butt is an oppressive standard that is forced upon women by the white male patriarchy. I will not rest until this standard of beauty is torn down.

Jesus. Male leg spreading is no where near as bad as women who needs a seat for her purse/bags. An epidemic that affects generation after generation. I didn't even know "male leg spreading" was a thing.

gawker media constantly rips on reddit and yet has no problem lifting a significant percentage of their content directly from reddit...

Yes you can.

Who gives a shit? Why do you think cultures need to respected anyway?

There is no line. Madeline's argument appears to be that white people are only permitted to sing about "white person stuff", whatever that means in our multi-racial society.

Maybe I'm just a bad liberal on this, but "cultural appropriation" criticisms are typically bullshit. Why can't someone be inspired by other cultures and use it to influence their own art?

Your friends are idiots.