I see no problem with stupid bullshit like sagging being penalized by society.
I see no problem with stupid bullshit like sagging being penalized by society.
I did, and it wasn't nice.
Deliberately threatening someone's job because of their bad manners is most definitely worse than their bad manners themselves.
People who get offended have too much spare time and not enough work to do. That goes for whatever it is they're offended about.
Why do people watch this trash?
Is Doug Barry a robot? This "article" reads like it was written by a person that had the part of their brain associated with humor destroyed.
Uh, can't the women who want to work out without men around just go to another gym? Can't they just work out at home? It's easy to make this work both ways.
Weird Science was a great 80s comedy. There's nothing "creepy" about it.
Cultures exist to be appropriated. People do not exist to serve cultures.
The secession and the Civil War were about slavery and the states rights issues were inextricably tied to that. But the Civil War was not about the morality of slavery. I think it's worthwhile to deny the North any misguided feeling of having the moral high ground on the issue. The North wanted slavery abolished in…
People should apologize less, not more.
"than" being able to correct the author, not "then."
What a bitchy "article."
A COD-style Star Wars game would be awesome.
Holy shit, I just looked at that Tumblr too, and it is indeed vile. This jeremiad in particular is particularly amusing:
Jesus Christ. The only regrettable thing about any of this is that the Onion apologized. Humor supersedes everything.
For fuck's sake. They shouldn't have apologized.
I can't believe you left out:
This is the wrongest thing ever typed.
Oh I'd be creating trash ex nihilo.