
How about the media just lets this story die. This is quickly becoming the new Tebow. A guy who is going to get run out of the league because teams hate the media.

"Good for them."

"A little thing that can turn into anything at anytime."

Screenshot for posterity.

Truman Trolls Dewey

The media (and sports media most of all) loves nothing more than to tear down someone who they just recently spent copious amounts of time and energy propping up.

People say the advent of ESPN was the best thing for sports. I'd argue that we've started to reach the point of no return. It began with ESPN devoting entire SportsCenter episodes to whether or not Favre would return (here's a spoiler, no one cared), then on to Tebow, no to Griffin III. Seriously, it's pretty sad when

Stuffing from inside the turkey is either a gummy nightmare or a salmonella-infested nightmare. There's no reason to cook it in the bird besides misplaced nostalgia and abject ignorance.

Here's the problem with RG3 in Washington: Before he got there, WAS was more than just "all we need is a QB" bad. They had many missing pieces. So he came in, they were shaky at first, then they went on a run and made the playoffs. That papered over all their other deficiencies (their receiving corps sucks, their

I agree with this, and I would add that I think RGIII understands, (or at least his representation understands) that he has a window of opportunity, open for a yet to be determined amount of time, to cash in on a nice rookie contract and clean up with sponsors. To do the second thing he needs to present himself as a

Whats happening with Griffin right now (In terms of media/fan perspective) reminds me a lot of what was being said about Newton last year (The press conference stuff sounds exactly the same) and all it means to me is that a team that was supposed to be decent isn't, and people are looking for answers beyond the

Are you dating God?

Here's a cry for help.

Is it on purpose that there's a sponsored Livestrong article right above this?


The comment section is just fucking awful now.

He went in to pick up his check, came home, supervisor called him about four o'clock, told him he got him on tape stealing boxes.

Go easy on him - clearly he forgot, but meant, to point out that Albert Haynesworth isn't a "job creator," and that's why he should be fucked (in an unpleasant manner, I'm inferring. +1 for sexual violence!).

There's probably room in here for great lessons about how you don't need to change your skin color to be like your heroes, that what makes him like Kevin Durant comes from the inside, not the outside, and that costumes based on race, no matter the intention, are usually in poor taste.

...I'm guessing those lessons

I feel very, very, bad for your child.