
Actual black person here - I am offended by people who dress up in black face. I think it's in poor taste. It's obviously known to be a offensive so doing it and then saying anyone who takes offense is overly sensitive and "the real racist" makes it doubly offensive.

Your child can most assuredly look up to kevin durant. Painting yourself black and having a role model are not the same thing at all. Growing up michael jordan was one of my idols. Doesnt mean i have to put myself black to appreciate his grit, tenacity, competitiveness, and gambling addiction

I don't remember answering that poll...

Oh, is that what you've decided, Professor?

Just remember, this dude probably paid upwards of $150 or so in order to what is equivocally falling asleep on the couch and pissing in a bottle.

Can we have one story that doesn't get twisted into a discussion of the end of the shutdown? Stick to sports!

This thing has over 3 million views on YouTube.

You know what I play, hunting video games. It turned me into a pro hunter. Is that alright Fox News? You know what the best trainer is for turning someone into a killer? Teaching them to use a gun, how to hold a gun, load a gun with ammo. How to aim at targets. You know what's not a good trainer for that? Holding a

Small Government! Except when we want to tell you how to spend your entertainment time, or what to do with your own body!

No, man. That's the pre game Natural Light trying to escape.

That's Beyoncé? I thought it was a white blonde.

Wow big mistake by the police on this one, look for him to get off if he hires competent council. They need probable cause to stop a motorist and not only was he obeying the speed limit, it's not probable that he was driving like a snake, they have no hands.

Deadspin Commenter: [awakens from three-day bender]

The tobacco companies didn't pay out billions of dollars in lawsuit settlements because they make a deadly product. They paid out billions of dollars in lawsuit settlements because they make a deadly product AND LIED ABOUT ITS DEADLINESS FOR DECADES. Same principle applies here. The NFL knows a large settlement is

If anyone ever needed an primer on the professionalism of female sports reporters, this video certainly Explains it All.