
I’m not saying it’s right, I’m just saying that there are a lot of white dudes from middle America who would find it a lot easier to bring home a girl who is half Filipino than black.

Please be referring to an X-Men character.

Really? So if a woman you worked with told you this had happened to her, you’d just shrug and say, “Hey, who can really know? I mean, you’re my colleague, I’ve known you for years, but you’re a woman, so why would I have any faith in you?”

Except the fallout is that even now, people are calling her a famewhore — when it was fucking ESPN who made her go out and do interviews about being stalked.

There are so many people/institutions who should be required to apologise to these students, I’ve lost count. The university. The Trump campaign. The people who stood by and did nothing. The Secret Service.

Or, how about “you’re our hard-working employee who has brought us incredible publicity, increased web traffic and TV ratings, and we will support you during this stressful time” instead? This way, they can be a considerate employer instead of being automatically suspicious of the hot young blonde lady.

It’s the sort of thing you do some research on before you make an ass out of yourself at the Oscars, IMO.

Except that Oprah could have realized what Erin was going through and made her producers make a back-up plan where if Erin still seemed too resistant, Oprah could have insisted that she not go on to do the interview and instead run reel tape of what Erin had gone through, had a psychologist on to discuss what happened

Most undeserved Oscar of the night, holy shit. You have Leo, and that 87 year old Italian composer for that matter, coming back year after year for a chance and here comes some newish dude waltzing in, getting it on the first try, and he doesn’t even know who in his community has won an Academy award, making it all

I started out thinking this was just going to be having some fun with an inadvertently displayed middle finger, but I’ll be damned if Bobby doesn’t have me convinced that this is what happened right down to 4am on a Monday morning.

I went on this ride in Orlando, and as someone who never gets motion sickness, was sick the rest of the day. Like, it was horrible and I wanted to die.

I am a roller coaster fan but this one almost made me toss my cookies too. I stayed off rides the rest of the day and had a headache too. Really though, any of these that put you in a seat and shake you around a room while they blow air in your face, get you THISCLOSE to a dragon or whatever, and basically fuck with

They’re just upset that he’s a man of wealth and taste. He’s been around for long, long years and he’s stolen many a man’s soul and faith. I mean, he was around when Jesus Christ had his moments of doubt and pain. Didn’t you know he made damn sure that Pilate washed his hands and sealed his fate.

This is why people with allergies should take appropriate medication before they enter situations where they might be exposed.

The people who clapped suck and this situations also sucked, but was perfectly preventable by the people who knew their kid had allergies.

I recently moved across the country with my cat. The only way the cat was allowed to travel was in a cat carrier under my seat. Cargo wasn’t an option.

That said, if you know you have allergies, take some meds before you go into a situation where you might be exposed. I wouldn’t clap at anyone’s misfortune but it

I had many thoughts last night, in no particular order:

This vision already exists and his name is Adam Lambert. Though he doesn’t have the “dead behind the eyes look” the Scotts have.

Something tells me that people who listen to today’s country music are going to eat this shit up like candy.

“ can understand how Lori Maddox could have possibly developed not just a sincere desire to fuck adult men but the channels to do it basically in public; why an entire scene encouraged her, photographed her, gave her drugs that made all of it feel better, loved her for it, celebrated her for it, for years. You