Even if you don't consider the hygiene aspects of the tongue scraper, it just looks gross! That alone is reason to keep that thing in her mouth.
Even if you don't consider the hygiene aspects of the tongue scraper, it just looks gross! That alone is reason to keep that thing in her mouth.
Then my work here is done!
I'm sorry! I've just been around gaming message boards for the last 15 years and know the kind of douchebags that are still out there and the things they say when they don't think anyone else is reading/listening.
Thank you for making me feel better about doubting both his sincerity and his writing skills. You can tell he wrote the rough draft, but someone else polished what would have otherwise probably been a turd of an apology.
It was more than likely written by a lawyer for the fraternity in the hopes that no one comes forward with actual rape allegations and/or sues them.
Perhaps you should brush up on your parts of grammar (not that I'm being a grammar Nazi)? Chicken-fried is a modifier for the noun 'steak'. It's still a steak. The same cannot be said of American cheese product. It isn't, nor has it ever been, cheese.
Hey! He was only born in FL; he wasn't raised here. He was raised in Indiana or somesuch midwestern place. Please don't blame this POS on FL, either.
I'm sorry that you disagree, but real cheese isn't "fancy" - it's just actual cheese. American pasteurized cheese product doesn't even qualify as cheese, so it's impossible for it to make a better grilled CHEESE.
I disagree! It's not dumb. Answering violence with violence is not the answer. Education and discussion through peaceful means are the only avenues to creating a world we can all live in without fear.
She is my hero. I cannot believe a 16yo can possess such poise and bravery. She is a credit to the entire human race. Her parents raised her well.
American cheese isn't even cheese. It's definitely NOT the best cheese for a grilled cheese. That award goes to Sharp Cheddar (without goddamn food coloring!) cheese or Asiago cheese.
You should fix this post haste!
If kids these days haven't watched Labyrinth, they're parents are derelict in their duties. It would be like missing out on The Goonies or Star Wars!
My husband would rather spend $30 on coconut water than have actual food to eat.
I agree. I like most of the pieces individually, just not combined like they are in the photos. The shirt dresses are super cute!
I have no idea what the sexiest show (or show containing the most sex) on TV would be, but I'd rather see sex and nudity on television than violence any day of the week.
I totally agree. I don't get even a hint of emotion from Naya on this crappy song. The other songs I've heard from this episode make me feel something. This one, not so much. I love Naya, but I don't love her rendition of this song.
When they made the Long Ranger a moron who was incapable of firing a gun and hitting the side of a barn....that's when someone should've realized it was a bad idea. The actors were fine, the storyline itself was ok, but the script was ridiculously stupid. I was rather disgusted by what they did to the characters.
Bob Dylan's Make You Feel My Love, made even more gut-wrenching by the complete and utter sadness and tears in Lea Michelle's voice.
My first real crush was on these handsome and talented guys (I'm old!) Really, though, it was just Mike Nesmith and Peter Tork. The coolest part is my husband looks like a dark haired doppleganger/love child of Peter, so I'm pretty pleased that it kinda happened for me.