
DITTO. I about lost it when one of my cousins defended Slager after he murdered Walter Scott. Figured, hey, she came to my page with her bullshit, I’mma take a little truth to hers. Went to her page, to where she’d posted her support (because she knows cops, see, and they deserve our [unlimited, full-throated,

That was one hell of a rabbit hole you just sent me down. An hour or so later, and I’m not sure whether it was a pleasant diversion or an hour of my life I’ll never get back and mourn forever. Leaning towards the former.

You bastard. Thanks for the earworm. I was gonna go to bed (I’m an old) but now I gotta find that shit on YouTube.

D’aww, thanks sugarplum. <3

Or this could all just be horseshit and he hasn’t had SRS at all. If he has, I wish him a speedy recovery and a very happy life.

They really don’t, do they? (NC Dem, who fled the Palmetto state a few years back, only to find out the Tarheel state had basically BECOME the Palmetto state, so not much was accomplished except a slightly better view.)

I’d like a standing reservation, s’il vous plait.

oh man. That would be epic.

I have never regretted my decision to yank the cable - until right this very fucking second. You guys are killing me with the cryptic-to-me, perfectly-obvious-to-you statements about what’s going down in Shonda-town* right now.

* - yes.I know it’s Shondaland. But that didn’t rhyme.

This is begging for a video as a visual aid. Just sayin’.

Yes. They absolutely were. ABC billed this on Facebook as “Black bears chase panicked humans off bridge.” That’s pretty much verbatim.

Yeah, I’m kinda on tenterhooks myself for that part. Curious to see how much gets shown, and what the reactions will be. Another commenter downthread likened it to knowing the Red Wedding was coming, and I feel that analogy is pretty damn near perfect, off only by a matter of fractional degrees.

YES. That’s exactly what it feels like. I’m ... curious, to see how much translates to the screen, and how it’s received. (Read: I CANNOT WAIT C’MON PLEASE NOW KTHNX.)

Yeah but ... five YEARS? I mean, it’s not like this was a recent relationship! I just can’t get past that part.

Well, sure, but what @PinkLemonade’s getting at up there, I think (correct me if I’m wrong, please) is not so much the violence aspect but the “five fucking years later and still stalking/harassing/full of irrational hate” thing. Far be it from me to rely on weak-assed words like “normal” in such a complex subject as

EDIT: never mind. Wrong crash. Thanks for the recommendation, though - that piece is fascinating.

Interesting - I just - like, literally, JUST - watched Hindenburg: The Untold Story on Netflix - a solid hour and forty minutes of a combined reenactment (not nearly as cheesy as I'd feared initially) together with extant footage (including some shot inside the ship on approach which I'd never seen before) from the

Concern trolls are still troll-y. I feel ya. Sixteen plus years living with scoliosis and fibromyalgia right here, and I am well and truly OVER all the polite, nice-y nice responses to this crap. Ain't nobody got time for that. Least of all someone managing a chronic pain illness.