
I mean, ok, but there were about 10,000 other posts in that comments section about how amazing she is. I personally have never met a woman who does not love Beyonce and she seems near universally adored by critics across the spectrum — although, as you showed, enough cherry picking of internet comments is sure to

Catholic hospitals do serve a lot of people, but I think that's mostly an artifact of history. Hospitals used to be charity centers where the poor would go to die, while the rich took health care in the privacy of their own homes — only deeply religious, charity-motivated individuals were willing to provide care to

The economist article you cite is talking about total outlays — not net spending. It's not like they're spending that money on providing health care to the poor. The Church spends about $100 billion per year on hospitals, but it also probably collects about $100 billion per year in revenue from hospitals too. After

These discussions about obesity always make me a little creeped out. Do you think we'd be talking about obesity at all if it wasn't something that made women (conventionally) "unattractive"? If eating too much relative to calories burned did cause health problems, but they were invisible, I suspect no one would care

Purely hypothetical, but if the Catholic Church were to get out of the hospital business altogether, what would happen? My guess is that other non-profits (or even for-profit companies) would buy their capital and continue providing roughly the same quality of care, but without all the religious stuff, but I don't

I just want to throw in here that I am a small/narrow person, and when a larger person sits by me and takes up some of my space, I really don't care about it or give it a second thought. It's not a big deal to me, and I imagine that it is not a big deal to most people. Just... thought that should be out there, in case

From the video, it seems that the airline would control the seat sizes, not the passengers (and, naturally, charge different amounts for small, medium, and large seats).

On the video they imply that the airline will differentially charge for large, medium, and small seats. I don't think it's something that would be forced on you against your will. Although, this creates another set of problems entirely...

Are you the same FIGJAM who posted instructions on how to build an air conditioner out of a paint bucket on a different corner of the internet? If so, I must thank you. Your instructions were perfect. If not... carry on.

Maybe not that scary but this happened to me. I grew up in New Mexico and was always very into the outdoors, hiking, camping, rock climbing, etc. One summer when I was 19 I went on a 4 day/3 night camping trip near my parents' house on my own. Might sound weird but I had been to this area many times and it was quite

Women in general get a lot of shit for the way we look. This is a broader feminist issue. Turning things into a "what's harder skinny or fat?" is just what the other side wants. Divide and conquer is an old game but it always seems to work.

Kind of like how you're derailing an article about the problem skinny women face right now, in the comments of an article about how a woman was publicly humiliated because of her body type?

Whom the gods would destroy they first make celebrities.

Acknowledging that white/upper class privilege exists is a good thing. The fact that the guards give Piper special treatment — even as we see that the other inmates are just as human and intelligent and capable as she is — does not mean the show endorses that view. If anything, it means opposite.

Protip: the skill of "not radiating contempt for everyone around me" is far more valuable than being able to crank out an academic essay.

I see that Katie didn't understand the tweets.

How is consent missing? One of the very first things they say on their website is that you need to both be 100% on board, c0nsent is absolutely required from both partners, and if your partner says "no" then obviously that's the end of that.

You are right.