
These fuckers got to hear a DJ set from one of the most accomplished and innovative artists in the world and they’re complaining?

Bjork does amazing work, and supports the work of other creative people. The headdresses made for her by embroiderer James Merry are stunning.

Comey, hands down. The FBI isn’t supposed to be politicized (which lol), but he had a duty that he ignored.

entitled from birth, i’d imagine

They’ve had to gerrymander the state to death to maintain a foothold and they know it, and they know people know it, and a full-on panic is underway.

All that’s important to them is the power they receive NOW. It’s always about the now with the GOP, and never, ever about the future.

He may be speaking out about Trump, but also said he doesn’t believe that the hacking affected the elections. No matter what the every GOP deep down is happy that they are in power even if it is through Trump.

Yeah, it’s why I hate it when people say “oh, the republicans won’t do X, Y, or Z to the democrats, bc they’ll know that if the balance of power shifts it’ll be them getting the short end of the stick from those same unfair rules.”

The fucking NC GOP is absolutely GD determined to run this state right into the ground, and they don’t give one fuck who it hurts, including their stupid asshole selves.

awhile ago.

That’s the thing a lot of people don’t understand... it’s not a difference of political opinion anymore, it’s an issue of common human decency. And the republicans have shown that they have none - almost every hill they make a stand on is genuinely about keeping the downtrodden down under the boot of the

Republicans have become a disease.

...and never recline my seat.

Considering that even renovating our low-key kitchen was an adventure in frustration, delays, and cost overruns that resulted in a lot of marital screaming matches, I can’t help but think that this latter-day Winchester mansion could be part of the reason for Kanye’s meltdown.

She’s young for a presidential candidate, she has amazing work ethic, she has stamina, she defers to specialists, she is pro-civil rights and the environment — I mean, why the fuck not. Without exaggeration she is galaxies better than what we’re looking at.

I understand your bewilderment. I have not progressed past denial. I actually do not believe that she lost: the startling halt to the recount only reinforces this sentiment.

Wait until the trade wars start. When people can’t get shitty electronics or avocados at cheap prices...

She needs to fight like hell. She can’t let this happen to us

I hate her too. But I listened very intently to the show and Trevor is the only person I’ve seen make her squirm. While I wish to hell he would have pushed her much harder, but at least he showed she is all talk and no substance.

Pay attention ladies: the newest tactic to silence you is the defamation suit.