
And then they said, “Another big story is of course Leo!” I’m sorry, you think Leo winning an Oscar is on the same level as systemic oppression. Also, just because a movie is about a woman does not mean there is gender equality. Still all male directors, and mostly male writers.

Apropos of nothing: I read your username as “Beer for President” and I was totally on board.

I’m 100% sure she didn’t care. Good exposure. Chris Rock cred. Medium level buzz. And potential work at some point in the future.

That was my read on it. Or she did know beforehand and just wanted to be onstage in the Oscars even if she is the butt of the joke.

Can you IMAGINE how the press would have treated it if it turned out Anne Hathaway had an old Oscar belonging to, say, Katharine Hepburn, before she had won her own? Holy crap, she’d have been skewered and would still be called the most pathetic person on earth. This is how I think of Leo now. He’s just sad. And, yes,

Aimee, this was a wonderful, well written and eye opening article. Will you please write a series about the unsung, unapologetically badass women of the last sixty years?

They don’t need the money or the exposure. Should they be leaping at the chance to spend several days in close quarters with a Stepford wife religious fanatic? Team Olsen twins!

My husband and I laugh during sex ALL THE TIME, usually when something unsexy like a fart or queef happens. One time, he was reaching for the bottle of lube, and the whole thing popped open and spilled all over me. We tried to just wipe it off and continue but I was like a human Slip n’Slide. We were cry-laughing and

Omg yes on number one. Sex is funny. You’re waggling around genitals and smashing things together and funny noises and moments will happen. People who freak out about that are very silly.

You don’t know any women who cheated only once ... probably because they’re not stupid enough to talk freely about a stupid mistake that they regret? People tend not to share these things openly, especially with people they perceive to be simplistic and judgmental.

HAH. That’s wishful thinking. Human beings—and therefore relationships—are imperfect. Plenty of really wonderful, valuable, decades-long relationships go through rough patches, and suggesting that cheating is always evidence of a rotten relationship is incredibly naïve.

I’m an old as well and agree with you 100%. They blame shift like mad and the person being cheated on often goes along with the gas lighting and takes on the blame. They start to think that if only they did or do X, Y, or Z (or all three) then it wouldn’t have happened and it won’t happen again.

Fwiw, it’s absolutely possible to be unfaithful in an open relationship. Nonmonogamy takes an enormous amount of trust and commitment, and a lot of communicating. I don't think the answer for cheaters is open relationships (necessarily) because they can absolutely still disregard their partner(s) feelings and cross

That is rough, and you and your mother have my sympathy.

I’ve never met one cheater who stopped cheating.

I think it would depend on the circumstance. Infidelity for me is a hard line, no. It involves tons of deception, lying, risking my health, using family resources. Yeah, done. That shows to me the character of the person.

I’ve never known one to change stripes.

Well, darn, I was hoping for an actual test we could take. Like Cosmo quizzes in the ‘80s and ‘90s! (Do they still do those? I bet they still do those.)

Not cheating isn’t as easy as just not doing it — for cheaters. You’re an admitted cheater. Cheaters cheat. Non-cheaters do not find themselves passively “caught up in things.”