He didn’t have to go full Celine.
He didn’t have to go full Celine.
Maybe it’s as simple as Texas in 1960, white man murders a Latina?
He's hung like an elevator button.
“A denial, no matter how nicely it is phrased, is calling the accusation a lie.” - No, it’s not. It is calling the accusation incorrect. Lying includes knowing what you are saying is false and the intent to deceive. Lying always includes saying something which is incorrect. Saying something incorrect does not always…
I took a dump once that was better than a Goddamn Hummer ;)
Oh dont worry. I dont admire you. Just your intention to help women who have been raped. But apparently unlike you i can feel empathy for all sorts of people.
While I admire your intention to volunteer at a local level I am puzzled by your attitude towards Cosby’s victims. Should someone assaulted by celebrities keep quiet forever or be labelled an opportunist...or whatever you would call someone with “thirsty lawyers”?
kanye just wants publicity for his new album. he’s probably laughing at all the responses.
Stop party pooping all over this thread. People are allowed to like things you don’t like.
How can you do anything but laugh at that? All that drivel all day long about the legacy of his illustrious HOF career and his undying love of the game, then in one fell swoop he makes it all about the money and nothing more. You’ve been had again, NFL fans, now run along and go get drunk like a good lad, hmmm?
I can’t imagine how you’re reading this the way you are. The comment is clearly directed at the murderer, not the victim.
IMO, it’s as big as it needs to be, since some folks still haven’t gotten the message.
A former girlfriend told the Wisconsin State Journal that O’Kroley had tried to commit suicide in 2014, and that he has been seriously mentally ill for the past decade.
You’re welcome! I felt like such a dork posting that... but then 1) I remember that I wish that someone else had posted something like that, for me, and 2) I remember that IDGAF about what other people think of me.
I feel like he didn’t pay so much attention to the major themes of the story though?
I thought Dubya was the worst president of my lifetime, and right now, staring down the barrel of President Trump or President Cruz, I'm actually starting to miss him a little....
15 years ago my friends pranked me really hard that I won the DC shoes monthly giveaway by calling my house and acting like they were from DC. I was suckered really good and got laughed at for weeks. So I wrote DC an email telling them about this story and how I should win it for real and punk those guys right back. I…
I don’t expect to see it under this section, but where is the article about Hillary making HISTORY?
Do you think that maybe we could stand to have more political coverage around here though as well? Honest question. It just feels like the balance is going to Feminism Lite a lot more. Before the Lite stuff alleviated the awfulness of the other stories. Now... it feels like it’s mostly fluff.